Vacation on the Island of Sumatra

15 Tips to Enjoy Your Vacation on the Island of Sumatra

Vacations on the island of Sumatra promise an unforgettable experience with its fascinating nature and unique cultural diversity. However, for your trip to be truly memorable, good preparation and in-depth knowledge are necessary. In this article, we will share 15 useful tips to fully enjoy your Vacation on the Island of Sumatra. From the wise selection of tourist destinations to interesting activities you can participate in, follow our tips for an optimal holiday experience.

15 Tips to Enjoy Your Vacation on the Island of Sumatra

1. Choose Your Destinations Wisely

Sumatra, as a prime tourist destination in Indonesia, invites visitors to explore its exceptional natural wonders. A must-visit is Lake Toba, a magnificent body of water with stunning views, being the largest lake in Southeast Asia. Additionally, Mount Leuser, located in Aceh, offers the enchanting charm of mountains, appealing to adventurers.

For biodiversity enthusiasts, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is an astonishing paradise with diverse flora and fauna, including the Sumatran tiger and rhinoceros. Thoughtful itinerary planning is essential to cater to personal preferences and interests. With so many choices of amazing destinations, Sumatra offers an extraordinary experience for every type of traveler, from natural adventure to cultural beauty, enticing with its unparalleled diversity and natural charm.

2. Explore Local Cuisine

Vacation on the Island of Sumatra


Sumatra offers an unforgettable culinary experience, enriching your journey with the delights of its typical dishes. Rendang, meat cooked in coconut milk and spices, and spicy and flavorful Padang satay are must-try dishes. Aceh’s nasi goreng, rich in spices, creates an authentic and memorable sensation. It is recommended to explore local restaurants and food stalls to savor the authenticity of Sumatran cuisine, where these dishes are served according to the traditions and peculiarities of each region on the island.

In addition to breathtaking natural panoramas, tourism on the island of Sumatra is complemented by the exploration of local cuisine. These authentic dishes not only delight the eyes with their beautiful presentation but also tantalize the taste buds with their unique spice combinations.

3. Plan Adventures at Lake Toba

Vacation on the Island of Sumatra


Lake Toba, one of the world’s largest lakes, enchants with its spectacular natural landscapes. To maximize your experience here, it is recommended to plan exciting adventure activities. One option is to rent a traditional boat to explore the small islands scattered in the middle of the lake, providing an opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of the lake from a unique perspective.

Furthermore, visitors can also choose hiking activities in the surrounding areas, exploring natural wonders and local culture while enjoying fresh air and spectacular panoramas. By planning these adventure activities, visitors can maximize their vacation experience at Lake Toba.

4. Explore the Mentawai Islands

For water sports enthusiasts, the Mentawai Islands are a dream destination with irresistible waves. Here, visitors can seize the opportunity to surf with waves globally known for their quality and consistency. In addition to surfing, this destination also captivates snorkeling enthusiasts with its crystal-clear waters teeming with fascinating marine life. The Mentawai Islands offer an unforgettable diving experience, introducing the rich and exotic underwater charm. Thus, for those seeking adventures above and below the water’s surface, the Mentawai Islands are a captivating and challenging destination.

5. Interact with the Suku Anak Dalam Tribe

The diversity of Sumatra’s ethnicities is captivating, and one of the profound experiences to explore is interacting with the Suku Anak Dalam tribe, an indigenous tribe preserving its traditions. To feel their life and culture, it is recommended to plan a visit to the Suku Anak Dalam villages. This offers a rare opportunity to interact directly with a community that still preserves its local wisdom. During this visit, visitors can understand the values, beliefs, and lifestyle of the Suku Anak Dalam.

This may include participating in their daily activities, such as working in the fields or taking part in traditional ceremonies. It is not only an educational experience but also a way to support and understand the precious cultural heritage. By planning this visit, travelers can gain a deep understanding of the ethnic diversity of the island of Sumatra, enriching their journey with a better understanding of local life and culture.

6. Participate in Local Festivals

Vacation on the Island of Sumatra

To make your vacation more colorful, check the schedule of local festivals on the island of Sumatra. The island often hosts various traditional festivals full of colors and joy. Attending one of these festivals is an excellent way to feel the cheerfulness and life of Sumatran locals directly. Festivals such as the Kerinci Culture Festival, the Tabuik Festival in Pariaman, or the Popular Festival in Padang are examples of events showcasing typical Sumatran art, music, dance, and cuisine.

Your presence will not only offer a unique experience but also allow you to interact with the locals and celebrate their cultural richness. By participating in these festivals, your vacation on the island of Sumatra will be more memorable and give you a more complete insight into the life and traditions of local residents.

7. Choose Environmentally Friendly Accommodation

For more responsible vacations on the island of Sumatra, choose your accommodation wisely. Many establishments on the island are committed to adopting sustainable practices, offering an accommodation experience in harmony with the surrounding natural beauty. By opting for accommodation that implements environmentally friendly policies, travelers can not only enjoy the comfort of the lodging but also contribute to environmental preservation efforts on the island of Sumatra.

The importance of environmental awareness is increasingly reflected in the choice of accommodation, where sustainable practices such as waste management and the use of renewable energies take priority. Before booking, it is advisable to research and choose accommodation certified or recognized as environmentally friendly. Thus, vacations on the island of Sumatra will not only be a relaxing time but will also contribute to supporting the sustainability of nature and the well-being of local communities.

8. Visit Gunung Leuser National Park

Vacation on the Island of Sumatra

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For an in-depth experience with wildlife, visit Gunung Leuser National Park on the island of Sumatra. Hiking through the dense tropical forest, visitors can observe unique wildlife, including orangutans, elephants, and various rare flora and fauna species. This national park offers an exceptional opportunity to connect directly with the still-preserved natural beauty and see wildlife protected in its original habitat.

9. Enjoy the Beauty of Painan Beach

Painan Beach on the island of Sumatra presents spectacular natural beauty, with waves ideal for surfers. Visitors can plan moments of relaxation on the shore, enjoying the soothing sea view, or choose to take surfing lessons for a more active experience. Thus, the beach offers not only stunning natural beauty but also opportunities for visitors to engage in exciting and satisfying water activities.

10. Explore the Batak Cultural Riches

In the region around Lake Toba, Batak cultural richness is still very present and offers a unique experience. It is recommended to visit traditional Batak villages, where visitors can see majestic traditional houses and deepen their understanding of Batak culture. Additionally, participating in local traditional ceremonies is an excellent way to feel and understand Batak traditional life, including their values, beliefs, and unique art. By interacting directly with the local community and participating in traditional ceremonies, visitors can gain a deep understanding of the cultural heritage upheld by the Batak tribe around Lake Toba.

11. Venture into Kerinci Seblat National Park

Kerinci Seblat National Park on the island of Sumatra can be considered a paradise for nature lovers. Offering an in-depth experience, hiking through mountains and dense forests will lead visitors to a captivating adventure with exceptional biodiversity. This national park is the habitat of various rare species, also offering spectacular natural views. Through hiking activities, visitors can feel the still-preserved natural beauty while understanding the importance of environmental preservation in Kerinci Seblat National Park.

12. Taste Aceh Coffee

Aceh is famous for its high-quality coffee, and visiting this destination is the perfect opportunity to indulge your taste buds with typical Aceh coffee. Savoring a cup of local coffee can be a satisfying experience, introducing you to the unique flavors and characteristics of Aceh’s coffee. For a more in-depth experience, it is recommended to visit a local coffee plantation. There, you can see the coffee processing process directly, from harvesting coffee beans to the perfect brewing stage. Engaging in a local coffee plantation tour not only provides information about coffee production but also allows you to enjoy the surrounding natural beauty while exploring the origin of Aceh’s high-quality coffee.

13. Visit Historical Sites

The island of Sumatra is home to several captivating historical sites, including the Maimoon Palace in Medan and the Muara Takus temple complex. Maimoon Palace, built in the 19th century, is a beautiful building with architecture reflecting Malay-Indian style. Additionally, the Muara Takus temple complex is an astonishing historical site with ancient inscriptions and characteristic Malay culture architecture.

Exploring the historical wealth of the island of Sumatra is an excellent way to understand its cultural heritage. Visitors can feel the historical atmosphere and gain an in-depth understanding of the historical journey of this island by visiting these sites. The direct examination of these majestic palaces and temples offers a concrete insight into the cultural richness of the island of Sumatra, involving visitors in an unforgettable historical journey.

14. Discover the Uniqueness of Minangkabau Tradition

Explore the beauty of Gadang houses and the unique traditional architecture of Minangkabau in the Padang region on the island of Sumatra. The Gadang house, with its distinctive horn-shaped roof, is a unique cultural symbol of Minangkabau. Visitors can feel the atmosphere of history and local wisdom by visiting well-maintained Gadang houses around Padang.

In addition to appreciating charming architecture, interacting with the local population is also an unforgettable experience. Visitors can participate in their daily lives, understand cultural values, and explore the rich tradition of Minangkabau. Thus, this journey becomes more meaningful, offering a deep insight into the uniqueness and daily life of the Minangkabau community in the Padang region.

15. Explore Lahat, the Most Beautiful Village in Indonesia

Lahat, a small village in South Sumatra, is considered one of the most beautiful villages in Indonesia. The village offers exceptional natural beauty worth exploring. Visitors can feel the tranquility and still-preserved natural beauty by exploring the magnificent waterfalls and lush forests. The waterfalls and natural diversity around Lahat create an amazing environment to explore, offering a profound experience of the natural beauty of the island of Sumatra.


By following these tips, your Vacation on the Island of Sumatra  will be an unforgettable experience. Ensure you are ready to explore the stunning natural beauty, taste delicious cuisine, and interact with exceptional cultural diversity. Prepare for an exciting adventure, whether through outdoor activities, culinary excursions, or exploring local wisdom. Enjoy your Vacation on the Island of Sumatra with Salut Bali; we will recommend places of extraordinary beauty for your trip to Sumatra. Contact us now and savor every moment of your vacation on the Island of Sumatra!

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