Oleh-oleh Khas jawa barat

19 Typical Souvenirs from Western Java You Must Absolutely Try

West Java, with its cultural diversity, is famous not only for its natural beauty but also for its delicious and unique cuisine. One thing not to miss when visiting West Java is trying its various specialties. From delightful sweetness to savory flavor, here are 19 typical souvenirs from West Java that you absolutely must try.

One of the most famous typical souvenirs from West Java is “tempe chips,” crispy snacks made from thinly sliced tempeh fried until crispy. Additionally, don’t miss out on trying “peuyeum,” a sweet treat made from the fermentation of cassava tape, offering a unique flavor that’s hard to forget. Furthermore, “dodol Garut” is also a typical souvenirs from West Java to take home with you. This dodol is made from glutinous rice and palm sugar, offering a delicious sweet flavor with an elastic texture.

Moreover, you can also try “oncom chips” made from fermented protein-rich soybeans. So, don’t miss the opportunity to bring home these captivating specialties from West Java when you visit!

19 Typical Souvenirs from West Java

1. Asinan Bogor

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source : portalmadura.com

Asinan Bogor is a typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed when visiting the city of Bogor. This dish has become a legendary culinary icon among locals and tourists alike. Made from an assortment of fresh vegetables such as cabbage, bean sprouts, and cucumber marinated in sweet vinegar, Asinan Bogor has a unique and refreshing flavor. Extra crunchy peanuts, soft tofu, and crispy chips are perfect complements to this dish.

What makes Asinan Bogor even more special is the spicy peanut sauce that accompanies it. This sauce adds a spicy kick that bites but remains harmonious with the sweetness and acidity of the vegetables. The combination of perfectly balanced flavors makes every bite delightfully satisfying.

When you visit Bogor, don’t miss the opportunity to taste this typical souvenirs from West Java. Find traditional stalls serving Asinan Bogor with its authentic taste. After tasting it once, you’ll certainly be tempted to get some more and bring back a few portions for your family and friends as a delicious specialty from West Java.

2. Peuyeum Singkong

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source : tribun.tribunnews.com

Peuyeum Singkong is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed when visiting this region. This snack made from fermented cassava offers a distinctive sweet flavor with a slight hint of alcohol. Its elastic texture is the main attraction for food enthusiasts.

The tradition of serving Peuyeum Singkong in banana leaves is part of the authenticity of West Java’s culture. Typically served with tea or coffee in the afternoon, this snack provides a pleasant and memorable tasting experience.

For food enthusiasts seeking a unique and exhilarating experience, Peuyeum Singkong is the perfect choice. Its delicacy and uniqueness make it a prized specialty for tourists visiting West Java. So, don’t hesitate to taste this specialty when you’re in the region and bring some back for your family and friends as typical souvenirs from West Java. Enjoy every bite of Peuyeum Singkong and feel the pleasure of West Java’s typical souvenirs.

3. Tahu Sumedang

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source : youtube.com

Tahu Sumedang is a typical souvenirs from West Java that captivates palates and deserves to be tried when visiting Sumedang. This tofu has become a famous culinary icon for its soft interior and crispy exterior texture, creating a captivating chewing sensation. Paired with a typical spicy sauce from West Java with a sweet touch, Tahu Sumedang offers a delicious combination of flavors.

The tradition of serving Sumedang tofu as a snack or main dish accompaniment has become an integral part of West Java’s culture. Its delicious flavor and unique texture make it perfect to enjoy at any time, whether as a snack during the day or as dessert after dinner.

For food enthusiasts, tasting Tahu Sumedang is a must-have experience when in West Java. Don’t miss the opportunity to savor the delicacy of this tofu and feel the pleasure of the culinary richness of this region. Make sure to bring some back for your family and friends as typical souvenirs from West Java.

4. Wajit Cililin

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source : shopee.com.my

Wajit Cililin is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed when visiting this region. Made from basic ingredients such as glutinous rice, palm sugar, and grated coconut, Wajit Cililin offers a light sweet flavor with a distinctive coconut aroma. Its delicacy has become part of the culinary heritage passed down from generation to generation in West Java.

Usually served in small pieces wrapped in banana leaves, Wajit Cililin is a snack suitable to be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. Its delicious taste and elastic texture make it a favorite as a light snack amidst daily hustle and bustle.

Furthermore, Wajit Cililin can also be a perfect choice as typical souvenirs from West Java to bring back home. Offering an authentic touch of its cuisine, Wajit Cililin will be a sweet memory for your family and friends who receive this specialty.

When you visit West Java, make sure to taste the delicacy of Wajit Cililin. Don’t miss the opportunity to bring back some packages as typical souvenirs from West Java. Feel the delicacy of its traditional flavor preserved in every bite of this Wajit Cililin.

5. Mochi

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source : pariwisataindonesia.id

Mochi is a typical souvenirs from West Java made from glutinous rice flour shaped into balls and filled with various flavors such as red beans, sesame, or bean paste. The delicacy of Mochi cannot be questioned, with a texture that is both elastic and soft, making it irresistible. Its sweet taste is the main attraction for sweet food enthusiasts.

When you visit West Java, don’t miss the opportunity to taste this regional specialty. Mochi is one of the most beloved snacks by tourists due to its unique flavor that’s hard to forget. Moreover, enjoying Mochi with your family or friends will add to the experience of your vacation.

Not only as a snack, but Mochi can also be a perfect souvenir from West Java to bring back home to commemorate your trip to this region. Don’t forget to allocate extra space in your bag to bring back some packets of this delicious Mochi. Thus, when you crave the taste of West Java, you can enjoy Mochi and remember your sweet memories there.

6. Dodol Garut

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source : rumahmesin.com

Dodol Garut, a typical souvenirs from West Java, is one of the culinary delights not to be missed when visiting Garut. Made from a mixture of glutinous rice, palm sugar, and coconut milk, this dodol not only entices the taste buds but also the nostrils with its distinctive coconut milk aroma. Its elastic texture and sweet taste make it a favorite snack in West Java. Dodol Garut is usually served in rolls and wrapped in banana leaves, adding a natural and authentic touch.

When you’re in Garut, don’t forget to taste this dodol that is a delicious culinary heritage. Make Dodol Garut a typical souvenirs from West Java to bring back home for your family and friends as evidence of an unforgettable culinary experience in West Java. Feel the delicacy and uniqueness of Dodol Garut, which will make your visit more memorable and meaningful.

7. Tempe Chips

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: rinaresep.com

Tempe chips are one of the typical souvenirs from West Java that you shouldn’t miss when visiting the region. This snack is made from thinly sliced tempeh fried until crispy, offering a satisfying chewing experience. Its salty taste combined with the distinct aroma of tempeh makes it not only delicious but also appetizing. Tempe chips are not only enjoyed by locals but are also often purchased as souvenirs by tourists visiting West Java.

With its convenient and durable packaging, tempe chips are easy to take home as a souvenir or as a special West Java souvenir for your family and friends. The unique flavor and texture of tempe chips also make them an excellent snack to enjoy while traveling or as a side dish to a relaxing main meal at home.

8. Gurilem

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: tauwisataindonesia.com

Gurilem is one of the traditional dishes that are typical souvenirs from West Java to try when visiting the region. This dish is made from bamboo shoots cooked with various spices and coconut milk, creating a rich and flavorful taste. The distinct aroma of the spices used adds a unique touch to each Gurilem dish. Often, Gurilem is served as the main dish during various traditional ceremonies or festivities in West Java.

Its presence brings a special color and warmth to every important moment for the local community. With its soft yet substantial texture, Gurilem offers a satisfying culinary experience to anyone who tastes it. When visiting West Java, don’t miss the opportunity to taste this Gurilem. The authentic and characteristic culinary experience of West Java would not be complete without having tried this dish.

Experience the delicious sensation with every bite and appreciate the delicacy of the spices that infuse each piece of bamboo shoots. Make Gurilem a special souvenir from West Java to bring home for your family and friends as evidence of an unforgettable culinary experience in West Java. With its authentic taste and delicious flavor, Gurilem is one of the culinary prides of West Java.

9. Simping

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: republikseo.net

Simping is a typical souvenirs from West Java made from fried glutinous rice until crispy and sprinkled with sesame or sugar. Its salty taste with a touch of sweetness delights the taste buds. Simping is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed when visiting the region. The delicacy of Simping cannot be ignored.

With its crispy texture and distinctive taste, Simping is perfect as a light snack while traveling or as a souvenir to bring back to your family and friends. Not only to satisfy hunger, but Simping is also a symbol of the rich typical souvenirs from West Java that deserves to be promoted.

So, don’t hesitate to buy a few packs of Simping when you are in West Java as proof that you have experienced the delicious local cuisine. Appreciate the delicacy and uniqueness of Simping, a typical souvenirs from West Java not to be forgotten!

10. Gapit

Gapit is a typical snack from West Java made from glutinous rice, brown sugar, and coconut milk, formed into balls and then fried until golden brown. Its sweet taste with a soft texture makes it a favorite among food enthusiasts. Gapit is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java that is often taken by tourists as evidence of their culinary experience in the region. Every bite of Gapit offers an irresistible sweet sensation, making it a perfect choice as a light snack between travels or as a satisfying dessert after dinner.

The delicacy of Gapit is not limited to just taste and texture but also symbolizes the culinary and cultural richness of West Java that deserves to be preserved and promoted. Thus, when visiting West Java, don’t miss the opportunity to taste the delicacy of Gapit and bring back a few packs for your family and friends as a special souvenir from West Java of this region.

11. Kerupuk RO

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: food.detik.com

Kerupuk RO, one of the typical souvenirs from West Java, is a type of cracker made from tapioca and fish. Its salty taste with a crispy texture makes it a favorite at various food events. Kerupuk RO is not only considered a simple snack but also an integral part of the typical souvenirs from West Java to be tried by every visitor. With its characteristic taste, Kerupuk RO is often served as a side dish to main courses in traditional restaurants or as a light snack at street stalls. The delicacy and uniqueness of the taste of Kerupuk RO offer an authentic culinary experience to anyone visiting West Java.

Furthermore, Kerupuk RO is often taken as a souvenir by tourists who want to remember the delicious cuisine of West Java. Kerupuk RO has a long history in West Java and has become an inseparable part of the food culture in this region. Despite the variety of options for typical souvenirs from West Java, Kerupuk RO maintains its position among the most sought after. The delicacy and uniqueness of its taste make Kerupuk RO a symbol of the culinary richness of West Java that deserves to be preserved and promoted. Visiting West Java without tasting Kerupuk RO would be incomplete.

So, for food enthusiasts, there is no reason to miss the opportunity to taste this characteristic snack. Make Kerupuk RO one of your culinary destinations when visiting West Java, and don’t forget to bring back a few packs for your family and friends as a special souvenir. This way, you not only bring back beautiful memories of your trip but also a piece of the delicious cuisine of West Java that will always remain in your memory.

12. Gratinated Macaroni

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: cookpad.com

Gratinated macaroni is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed when visiting the region. This snack is made from boiled macaroni cooked with tomato sauce, fresh vegetables such as carrots and cabbage, as well as other selected spices, before being gratinated until crispy and golden brown. Its salty taste with a hint of spiciness makes it a very appetizing snack. Gratinated macaroni is not just a simple snack but can also be an appetite-opening side dish.

The combination of the delicacy of the macaroni with the characteristic flavor of West Java tomato sauce makes it a perfect choice to start your meal. The crispy pieces of carrots and cabbage also add flavor and healthiness to this snack. When you are in West Java, don’t miss the opportunity to taste the delight of Gratinated Macaroni. You can find it in various places, from street vendors to renowned restaurants.

Due to its convenience as a snack, Gratinated Macaroni is also often purchased as typical souvenirs from West Java to be taken home for family and friends. Looking for a hearty and delicious snack in West Java? Gratinated Macaroni is the right choice to satisfy your appetite. Enjoy every tasty, spicy, and appetizing bite, and make your culinary experience in West Java more memorable by choosing Gratinated Macaroni as a special souvenir.

13. Roti Unyil

Typical Souvenirs from Western Java

source: cookpad.com

Roti Unyil is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed when visiting there. This small round bread has become a favorite of many enthusiasts due to its undeniable delicious flavor. Typically, Roti Unyil is filled with various jams, ranging from fruit jams to chocolate jams, making it even more appetizing.

Its sweet taste with a soft texture makes it a perfect snack during relaxation moments or a light breakfast in the morning. Every bite will charm you with the delicacy of the bread filled with jam with the characteristic fragrance of West Java. Small but satisfying, Roti Unyil is the perfect choice to accompany your daily activities.

When you visit West Java, don’t miss the opportunity to taste the delicacy of Roti Unyil. You can find it in various places, from street stalls to renowned bakeries in the region. Roti Unyil is also often chosen as typical souvenirs from West Java to bring home for family and friends as a token of appreciation for the delicious cuisine of the region.

Looking for a delicious snack or breakfast in West Java? Roti Unyil is the right choice to satisfy your taste buds. Enjoy every sweet and soft bite, and make your culinary experience in West Java more memorable by choosing Roti Unyil as a typical souvenir.

14. Lapis Bogor

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: cibinongonline.com

Lapis Bogor is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java and a pride of the city of Bogor. This traditional layered cake has its own characteristic that makes it a favorite snack for many people. Made from gradually cooked rice flour in layers with the addition of coconut milk, palm sugar, and natural colorings, Lapis Bogor has a unique and appetizing flavor.

Its sweet taste with a soft and fluffy texture makes it a snack to be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. Each bite reveals the unforgettable pleasure of this traditional cake. It is not surprising that Lapis Bogor is often chosen as a souvenir brought back by tourists visiting West Java.

When you are in Bogor or visiting West Java, do not miss the opportunity to taste the delicacy of Lapis Bogor. You can find it in various places, from traditional markets to local specialized cake shops. Each region may have its own touch in presenting Lapis Bogor, thus adding variety and originality to your gustatory experience.

Lapis Bogor is not just a simple traditional snack, but also a part of the culinary heritage that must be preserved and promoted. Its uniqueness and delicacy make it an inseparable element of West Java’s culinary identity. Therefore, when you visit this region, make sure to bring some Lapis Bogor as a special souvenir for your family and friends.

15. Galendo

Galendo is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java that you should try when visiting the region. This traditional treat is made from a mixture of rice flour, palm sugar, and grated coconut, then shaped into balls and baked until cooked. Its sweet taste with its characteristic coconut aroma makes it a very appetizing snack.

When you are in West Java, do not miss the opportunity to taste this delicious Galendo. You can find it in various places, from street vendors to typical souvenir shops in the West Java region. Each bite of Galendo will take you on a gustatory experience reminiscent of the traditional flavors of West Java.

Galendo is not just a simple snack, but can also be a pleasant dessert. The combination of the sweet taste of palm sugar, the soft texture of rice flour, and the fragrant aroma of coconut makes it a refreshing choice after meals. Moreover, the convenience of Galendo as an easy-to-carry snack often makes it a typical souvenirs from West Java brought home for family and friends.

During your visit to West Java, make sure to savor this delicious Galendo as part of your culinary adventure. Make your tourist experience in the region unforgettable by choosing Galendo as a special souvenir from West Java. Enjoy every sweet and fluffy bite, and bring home sweet memories of West Java to share with your loved ones.

16. Dorokdok

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: ensiklopediaindonesia.com

Dorokdok is a typical souvenirs from West Java that has become the icon of its cuisine. Made from fried rice flour until golden and served with a sugar topping, it has a unique taste. Each bite offers an irresistible crispy sensation, accompanied by a touch of sweetness that delights the taste buds. The delicacy of Dorokdok is not only a hunger savior between meals but also a typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed.

When you visit West Java, choosing Dorokdok as a souvenir is definitely a good choice. The pleasure is not only in tasting its distinctive flavor but also in bringing home small pieces of happiness to share with your loved ones. Dorokdok is a symbol of the rich typical souvenirs of West Java that deserves to be preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

On every tourist visit to West Java, taking the time to taste Dorokdok is a must. Moreover, it is becoming easier to find due to its growing popularity. Whether in traditional markets or modern shopping centers, Dorokdok is always ready to delight the taste buds of its fans.

So, if you’re looking for a typical souvenirs from West Java that will charm the heart and taste buds, don’t hesitate to choose Dorokdok. Enjoy its unforgettable delicacy and bring home a small piece of the charm of West Java to share with your loved ones. Dorokdok is not just a snack, but also a part of the cultural heritage that deserves to be preserved and appreciated.

17. Permen Susu

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: shopee.com.my

Permen Susu is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed. Made from pure cow’s milk cooked until thickened, this candy has an authentic and distinctive taste. Its specificity lies in its manufacturing process, which requires patience and particular expertise to create a perfect texture and delicious taste.

From small towns to urban areas, Permen Susu is one of the most remarkable features of West Java. Each bite offers a sweet and creamy sensation, accompanied by an appetizing milk aroma. Whether to be enjoyed as a midday snack or as a typical souvenirs from West Java to bring home for family and friends, Permen Susu is always a wise choice.

When you visit West Java, do not miss the opportunity to taste the delicacy of Permen Susu. Explore traditional markets or souvenir shops around the city and savor the unforgettable sweetness of this authentic milk candy. Once you have tasted it once, you will surely want to bring more home as souvenirs or as gifts for your loved ones. So, don’t miss the chance to enjoy the delicacy of Permen Susu, one of the typical souvenirs from West Java that will charm the heart and taste buds of anyone who tastes it.

18. Kicimpring

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: belajarmasak.github.io

Kicimpring is one of the unforgettable traditional snacks from West Java. Made from fried wheat flour dough until crispy, kicimpring has a subtle salty taste enhanced by a touch of sweetness that delights the taste buds. Its delicacy and originality make it a favorite among tourists visiting West Java.

As one of the typical souvenirs from West Java, kicimpring is often the first choice to bring home as souvenirs or as gifts for family and friends. Its light shape and easy storage make it a convenient and tempting option to enjoy anytime and anywhere.

So, do not miss the opportunity to taste the delicacy of kicimpring when you are in West Java. In addition to being a satisfying culinary experience, bringing home kicimpring as souvenirs from West Java will give you sweet memories of your trip to this region. As an icon of typical souvenirs from West Java, kicimpring will always delight anyone who tastes it.

19. Gâteau Subadra

Typical Souvenirs from West Java

source: lazada.co.id

Gâteau Subadra is one of the typical souvenirs from West Java not to be missed when visiting the region. This traditional cake has a long history as part of the typical souvenirs from West Java, rich in flavors and textures. Made with a mixture of wheat flour, sugar, eggs, and perfectly cooked coconut milk, Gâteau Subadra has a delicious sweet taste with a soft and appetizing texture.

The uniqueness of Gâteau Subadra lies not only in its delicious taste but also in the manufacturing process that relies on the craftsmanship of artisans. Each step of making this cake is done with care and skill to produce a perfect final product. Thus, each bite of Gâteau Subadra not only offers delight to your taste buds but also embodies traditional values and local skills passed down from generation to generation.

So, when you are in West Java, do not miss the opportunity to taste this Gâteau Subadra. Enjoy an authentic culinary experience and savor the delicacy of one of the typical souvenirs from West Java, full of tempting flavors and aromas. With Gâteau Subadra, you not only bring home a delicious cake but also a small piece of the cultural richness of West Java that you can share with your family and friends.


With such rich and unique diversity, exploring the typical souvenirs from West Java is an unforgettable culinary experience. From sweet flavors to savory ones, each dish offers incomparable delight, reflecting the cultural heritage and natural richness of West Java. Each of the 20 typical souvenirs from West Java tells a story and local wisdom in every bite.

Not only does it delight the taste buds, but it also offers a deeper understanding of its culinary richness. From the refreshing Asinan Bogor to the fluffy Dodol Garut, each dish reflects the richness of traditions and the natural beauty of West Java.

During your trip to West Java, do not miss the opportunity to taste its variety of typical souvenirs. Bringing back a few favorite souvenirs home is also a perfect way to share your culinary experience with your loved ones. Thus, you not only bring back flavors home but also share a part of the cultural richness of West Java. The excellence of your culinary tourist experience in West Java will be achieved when you savor every bite of typical souvenirs from West Java.

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