traditional Balinese arts

7 Traditional Balinese Arts

The island of Bali, often referred to as the “Island of the Gods,” is a destination filled with natural wonders, a rich culture, and fascinating art. Known as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Bali offers an extraordinary experience to anyone who visits. What makes Bali so special is its unparalleled artistic and cultural heritage. From graceful dances to dazzling artwork, this island is where culture thrives and evolves in various forms. One thing that makes Bali so special is its rich artistic and cultural heritage. Here, we will explore 7 fascinating and unique traditional Balinese arts.

7 Traditional Balinese Arts

1.Legong Dance

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The Legong dance is a graceful and beautiful traditional Balinese arts rooted in the island’s culture since the 18th century. Dancers, mainly young girls, are trained in the art of this dance. The Legong dance does not have a complex storyline, focusing on delicate facial expressions and graceful movements. Enchanting gamelan music accompanies this performance, and dancers often use props such as fans or flowers to add charm.

The Legong dance is used in various religious ceremonies and festivals in Bali, illustrating the beauty, grace, and cultural values dear to the island. The Legong dance is a perfect example of Balinese dance art that marries aesthetic beauty with cultural expression. In its performance, the graceful movements, magnificent costumes, and gamelan music create an impressive experience, reflecting values such as grace, aesthetics, and mythology honored in Balinese culture. This form of dance remains one of the most classic and respected in Bali, showcasing the island’s cultural and artistic richness to the world.

2.Barong Dance

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The Barong dance is one of the most famous and captivating traditional Balinese arts dances. Its origins trace back to the island of Bali in Indonesia, which boasts a rich and diverse cultural heritage. The Barong dance is a dramatic ballet that represents the battle between Barong, symbolizing good, and Rangda, symbolizing evil. Key features of this dance are the striking costumes, such as lion or pig costumes worn by the Barong dancers, and the terrifying costumes of Rangda. This performance is always accompanied by enchanting gamelan music, creating an intense and profound atmosphere.

The history of the Barong dance places it among the oldest traditional Balinese arts dances, existing for centuries. This dance draws its origin from Balinese mythology and is considered a sacred dance. Originally, the Barong dance was used in religious ceremonies to ward off evil spirits and provide protection to the community. Despite its deep historical roots, the Barong dance remains alive and an integral part of Balinese culture to this day. It is also frequently presented at festivals and cultural events in Bali, attracting the attention of tourists and traditional art enthusiasts worldwide.


traditional Balinese arts

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Kecak is a very unique vocal and dance performance in Bali. This show does not involve musical instruments but uses human voices emitting the sound “cak-cak” to accompany the dance. The stories told are often narratives from the Ramayana, one of the classic Hindu epics. Male dancers sit in a circle and wear white skullcaps on their heads. Kecak offers a combination of enchanting chants and captivating dance movements. The Kecak performance is a unique cultural experience with mesmerizing chants and fascinating dance movements. Enjoy this spectacle in Bali to make your experience more memorable.

4.Wayang Kulit

traditional Balinese arts

Wayang Kulit is a captivating traditional Balinese art form that combines artistic performance and puppet storytelling. The show uses leather puppets illuminated from behind to cast shadows on a white screen. The dalang, a storyteller and puppeteer, narrates epics using various characters. Wayang Kulit is a unique and fascinating way to understand Hindu mythology and popular Balinese tales. Wayang Kulit is an art that combines epic narratives and captivating visual performances. Explore the richness of Balinese mythology in the Wayang Kulit show.

5.Mask Dance (Tari Topeng)

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The Mask Dance (Tari Topeng) is a traditional dance form in Bali in which dancers wear different masks. Each mask represents a different character or role in the story. The dancers’ movements and facial expressions create vivid representations of these characters. The Mask Dance is often used in traditional ceremonies and theatrical performances. The Mask Dance showcases various characters and roles in Balinese culture through impressive movements and facial expressions. Attend this performance to better understand the richness of traditional Balinese arts.


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Gamelan is a traditional Balinese arts musical ensemble composed of various instruments, including gongs, metallophones, kendangs, and flutes. Gamelan music creates beautiful and enchanting sounds often used in traditional ceremonies, artistic performances, and traditional dances. The unique instruments of Gamelan create a distinct atmosphere in Bali. Gamelan is the heart of traditional Balinese music and dance. Enjoy the magnificent harmony of Gamelan performances.

7.Janger Dance

traditional Balinese arts

The Janger dance is a fascinating and captivating traditional Balinese arts dance deeply rooted on the island. The origin of the Janger dance can be traced to Bali, Indonesia, where this dance has become an essential part of social and cultural life. Distinctive features of this dance include dance scenes performed by pairs of dancers, composed of both men and women. These dancers often wear colorful traditional Balinese costumes. Gamelan music accompanies this performance, creating an enchanting and joyful rhythm.

The history of the Janger dance shows that it has been around for years in Bali but became very popular in the early 20th century. This dance is often presented at various traditional ceremonies, festivals, and social events in Bali. In addition to being entertainment, the Janger dance is also a means for the Balinese community to preserve and celebrate its culture. The Janger dance often depicts daily life in Bali, offering a representation of community life and the strong connection between men and women. This performance expresses the beauty of Balinese culture and attracts tourists wishing to discover the richness of the island’s art and culture.


With these 7 fascinating and unique traditional Balinese arts, we can see how the culture of the “Island of the Gods” is rich and diverse. These art forms not only captivate the eyes but also tell mythological stories and cultural values dear to the Balinese people. Explore the traditional Balinese arts with Salut Bali we are ready to help you discover the 7 arts mentioned above and other exciting points of interest. traditional Balinese arts are a window to invaluable cultural heritage, and they continue to fascinate and inspire people from around the world.

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