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10 Travel Guides to Sulawesi, Indonesia: Explore the Hidden Beauty of the Archipelago

Sulawesi, a hidden gem in the Indonesian archipelago of Nusantara, captivates travelers with its extraordinary natural wealth. From stunning beaches to opulent cultural diversity, Sulawesi is a must-visit destination for adventurers. In this article, we will discuss 10 travel guides to Sulawesi, providing in-depth insights into the amazing places and cultural uniqueness of Sulawesi.

10 Travel Guides to Sulawesi, Indonesia

1.Explore Bunaken National Park

Travel Guides to Sulawesi

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The first Travel Guides to Sulawesi involves exploring Bunaken National Park, which will be an unforgettable experience if you include it in your destination list. Located in northern Sulawesi, this national park offers extraordinary underwater beauty. Diving in its waters is a must-try experience, as Bunaken is known as a paradise for divers. The variety of coral reefs and amazing marine biodiversity create a captivating underwater panorama.

The clear water around Bunaken adds to its charm, offering optimal visibility to divers. Diving amidst colorful and exotic fish will leave unforgettable memories of your trip. Besides diving, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the islands around Bunaken. One worth visiting is Pulau Manado Tua, offering stunning natural landscapes and clean white sandy beaches. Strolling along its beach while admiring the surrounding natural beauty will be a soothing and refreshing experience. On the other hand, Pulau Siladen offers a preserved natural charm.

Setting foot on Pulau Siladen, you’ll be treated to a still untouched natural beauty rarely touched by tourists. Beautiful beaches and lush forests create a peaceful and serene atmosphere. So, make sure to spend time not only in the water but also exploring the natural wonders offered by the islands around Bunaken. This journey to Sulawesi will be a precious memory of your vacation, especially when you combine underwater adventures with amazing land exploration.

2.Explore the Beauty of Bira Beach

Travel Guides to Sulawesi


A Travel Guides to Sulawesi is incomplete without savoring the charm of Bira Beach in the south. With its fine sand and clear seawater, this beach is a paradise for beach lovers. Sunbathing under the warm sun while listening to the sound of waves at the edge of Bira Beach will make every moment special.

In addition to its beautiful beach, Bira is also known as an ideal place to enjoy the beauty of the sunset. The sunset view at the western end of the beach creates a romantic and impressive atmosphere. After admiring the natural beauty, don’t forget to taste Sulawesi cuisine in the seaside seafood stalls.

3.Taste Sulawesi Cuisine

Travel Guides to Sulawesi

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An aspect not to be overlooked in the journey to Sulawesi is tasting its delicious and unique cuisine. Sulawesi is known for its traditional culinary diversity, and you can start your culinary adventure in traditional markets. Try “Coto Makassar,” a rich and spicy meat soup from Makassar. Also, experience the delicacy of “Nasi Kuning,” a typical dish from North Sulawesi.

Don’t forget to taste traditional snacks like “Pisang Epe” and “Klepon.” Pisang Epe is a grilled banana served with caramel or cheese sauce, while Klepon is a soft and sweet rice cake filled with grated coconut. These dishes not only satisfy your taste buds but also offer an unforgettable cultural experience.

Read also: 15 Traditional Dishes from Sulawesi You Must Try

4.Explore the Old Town of Makassar

Travel Guides to Sulawesi


The Travel Guides to Sulawesi seems incomplete without visiting the old town of Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi, which has a long history reflected in its architecture and culture. Do not miss exploring the old town of Makassar, full of historical buildings. Fort Rotterdam, one of the Dutch colonial remnants, offers amazing views and insights into the island’s history. Additionally, you can visit Fort Somba Opu, which has high historical value. Strolling through the old town of Makassar will take you back in time while admiring the beauty of Sulawesi’s architecture and traditional art.

5.Navigate the Beauty of Maros River

Travel Guides to Sulawesi


For a more active natural experience, choose to navigate the course of the Maros River. Located in the Maros regency, this journey will take you through amazing karst landscapes. The Maros Karst is the largest karst region in Indonesia and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Maros River also offers exciting rafting activities for water adventure enthusiasts. During this journey, you will be treated to breathtaking natural landscapes along the river, providing an unforgettable experience.

6.Attend Traditional Dance Performances

Travel Guides to Sulawesi


One of the best ways to experience Sulawesi’s culture is through traditional dance performances. These performances not only showcase the beauty of Sulawesi’s traditional dance movements but also depict stories and cultural values passed down from generation to generation. Traditional dance performances in Tana Toraja, for example, offer the opportunity to see unique dances with captivating traditional costumes. Don’t miss the chance to interact with the dancers after the show and gain additional insights into the meaning of each dance movement.

7.Witness Funeral Rites in Tana Toraja

Travel Guides to Sulawesi


Tana Toraja is famous for its unique and wisdom-filled funeral rituals. If you have the chance to visit, do not miss witnessing the funeral ceremony called “Rambu Solo.” This ceremony not only reflects the Toraja community’s belief in life after death but also pays homage to the deceased. A frequently highlighted location is the Tau Tau stone statue site in Lemo, where large wooden statues are carved as replacements for tombstones. Observing burial processions and traditional Toraja ceremonies will give you a deeper understanding of Sulawesi’s cultural uniqueness and richness.

8.Visit Lake Tondano

Travel Guides to Sulawesi

The North Sulawesi presents astonishing natural beauty, and one of the destinations to visit is Lake Tondano. Located in Minahasa, this lake is surrounded by green mountains and traditional villages. Boat activities on this lake offer a soothing experience while admiring the breathtaking natural panorama. In addition to enjoying the natural beauty, you can also try local cuisine. Grilled tilapia and rica-rica chicken are popular dishes around Lake Tondano. Dining in lakeside restaurants while admiring the peaceful natural scenery will make your culinary experience even more special.

9.Interact with the Local Community in Buntu Kabobong Village

Travel Guides to Sulawesi


One of the best ways to immerse yourself in Sulawesi’s local life is to visit traditional villages. Buntu Kabobong Village in Toraja is a perfect example, where you can interact with the local community and understand their traditional way of life. Here, you can see typical Tongkonan traditional houses and learn about the daily life of the Toraja people. Participating in activities such as making traditional fabrics or cooking local dishes with village residents will provide an authentic and impressive experience.

10.Explore the Togian Islands

Travel Guides to Sulawesi


The final Travel Guides to Sulawesi involves exploring the Togian Islands; do not miss the opportunity to discover the beauty of the Togian Islands. Located in the middle of Tomini Bay, this island offers extraordinary underwater beauty. Snorkeling and diving here will transport you into a colorful underwater world with beautiful coral reefs and diverse marine life. In addition to underwater activities, the Togian Islands also have beautiful beaches and tropical forests to explore. Don’t miss the chance to stay in one of the island’s traditional resorts to experience local hospitality and preserved natural beauty.


Travel Guides to Sulawesi, Indonesia, is an unforgettable adventure. From breathtaking natural beauty to cultural richness, every corner of this island has surprises to explore. By following this Travel Guides to Sulawesi, you will be taken through various experiences that will make you fall in love with the wonders of Sulawesi. Contact Hi Bali Now; we are ready to help you plan your trip to Sulawesi. Get ready to experience the true charm of the archipelago.

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