Aktivitas Luar Ruangan di Sumatra

12 Outdoor Activities in Sumatra to Absolutely Try During Your Visit to Sumatra

Sumatra, as the sixth largest island in the world, is not only known for its exceptional natural wealth but also for its diversity of outdoor activities in Sumatra that are worth exploring. For adventurers and nature lovers alike, Sumatra is a paradise offering an unforgettable experience amidst its enchanting natural beauty. From dense tropical forests to challenging mountain peaks, Sumatra has something to offer every visitor. When you visit Sumatra, don’t miss the opportunity to try out the various outdoor activities available in Sumatra.

From beaches to mountains, there are plenty of interesting options that can make your vacation more memorable. In this article, we will discuss 12 outdoor activities in Sumatra that you absolutely must try during your visit to this island. From the thrilling adventure of mountain climbing to exploring underwater beauty, Sumatra has something for every type of adventurer. So, let’s explore the natural wonders of Sumatra through a series of stimulating and captivating outdoor activities in Sumatra. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Sumatra’s extraordinary nature.

12 Outdoor Activities in Sumatra to Absolutely Try

1.Climbing Mount Sibayak in Berastagi

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

source : tempatwisata.pro

Berastagi, a mountainous town located in North Sumatra province, offers an incredible climbing experience on Mount Sibayak. With a fairly easy trail and spectacular views, ascending Mount Sibayak is a favorite choice for hikers, whether experienced or beginners. At the summit, you’ll be greeted by breathtaking views of the lush valley and an active volcanic crater. Don’t forget to bring your camera to capture this unforgettable moment.

In addition to being famous for Mount Sibayak, Berastagi also offers other equally interesting outdoor activities in Sumatra. From trekking on green hills to visiting beautiful volcanic lakes, Berastagi is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor activities in Sumatra. The natural beauty and diversity of flora and fauna around this town make every step of the adventure in Berastagi unforgettable. So, if you’re looking for an exciting outdoor adventure, Berastagi is the perfect destination for you. Feel the thrill of exploring the nature of North Sumatra and discover the natural wonders waiting to be explored at every corner.

2.Rafting on the Bohorok River in the Leuser Mountain National Park

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

source : grantnsaipan.blogspot.com

Outdoor activities in Sumatra offer fascinating natural experiences, and one of the most remarkable destinations is rafting on the Bohorok River in the Leuser Mountain National Park. Located in North Sumatra province, the Leuser Mountain National Park is home to a variety of rare flora and fauna, making it a paradise for nature lovers. Outdoor activities in Sumatra such as hiking, camping, and swimming in the clear river waters are an ideal way to enjoy Sumatra’s natural beauty while blending into nature.

Rafting on the Bohorok River offers an unforgettable experience to visitors. With an inflatable raft or canoe, visitors can navigate turbulent waters through a dense forest filled with wildlife. Meanwhile, the soothing sound of flowing water and the singing of birds will accompany every step, creating a calm and refreshing atmosphere.

In addition to enjoying the spectacular natural scenery, outdoor activities in Sumatra also offer visitors the opportunity to learn about nature conservation and the importance of protecting wildlife habitats. By rafting on the Bohorok River, visitors can not only enjoy the natural beauty of Sumatra but also be part of extremely important environmental preservation efforts.

3.Observing Orangutans at the Bukit Lawang Rehabilitation Center

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

source : sumatra-ecotravel.com

Outdoor activities in Sumatra are a magnet for nature lovers and adventurers, and one of the unforgettable experiences is observing orangutans at the Bukit Lawang Rehabilitation Center. Located near the Leuser Mountain National Park, Bukit Lawang is a popular destination for those who want to get closer to wildlife and learn more about conservation efforts.

Observing orangutans in their natural habitat is a captivating experience. Visitors can see how freely orangutans move around in the dense rainforest, playing, eating, and interacting with each other. The presence of this rehabilitation center offers a rare opportunity for tourists to get involved in the conservation efforts of this endangered species.

In addition to being a major attraction for ecotourism, outdoor activities in Sumatra like this also offer visitors the opportunity to better understand the importance of preserving the tropical forest and protecting wildlife. Through direct experience and education provided by the rehabilitation center, tourists can feel the importance of preserving the sustainability of Sumatra’s nature.

4.Adventuring on Lake Toba

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

source : indonesiantourist-spots.blogspot.com

Outdoor activities in Sumatra offer extraordinary adventure experiences, and one of the must-visit destinations is adventuring on Lake Toba. Located in North Sumatra province, Lake Toba is a charming tourist destination with its stunning natural beauty and a variety of adventure activities to enjoy.

Adventuring around Lake Toba offers visitors the opportunity to directly explore the natural beauty of Sumatra. By climbing the mountains surrounding the lake, visitors can enjoy spectacular panoramas and refreshing fresh air. Furthermore, exploring the scattered traditional Batak villages around the lake is also an interesting experience, allowing visitors to experience the richness and hospitality of the local culture.

Outdoor activities in Sumatra, such as adventuring on Lake Toba, also include various water activities. Visitors can dive or swim in the clear, cool waters of Lake Toba, or even try their hand at fishing in the middle of the vast lake.

5.Exploring the Kampar River in Riau

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

source : genpi.id

Outdoor activities in Sumatra offer a variety of fascinating natural experiences, and one of the most interesting activities is exploring the Kampar River in Riau. The Kampar River, located in the province of Riau, is one of the longest rivers in Indonesia that traverses a dense tropical forest.

Exploring the Kampar River offers an unforgettable adventure experience to visitors. With a raft or canoe, visitors can navigate turbulent waters between tall trees and a variety of wildlife. The soothing sound of flowing water and the forest birdsong will accompany every step, creating a calming and refreshing atmosphere.

In addition to enjoying the magnificent nature, exploring the Kampar River also offers visitors the opportunity to explore abundant wildlife along the river. With a little luck, visitors may see various species of wild animals, including rare birds, monkeys, and even river crocodiles crossing the river.

Outdoor activities in Sumatra like this also offer a valuable learning opportunity about the importance of preserving nature and the river ecosystem. Thus, exploring the Kampar River in Riau is not only about adventure but also about merging with nature and contributing to environmental preservation.

6.Climbing Mount Kerinci in Jambi

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

source : escapeswithandrew.com

Outdoor activities in Sumatra offer fascinating experiences for adventurers and nature lovers. One of the most attractive destinations is Mount Kerinci, located in the province of Jambi. With an altitude of 3,805 meters above sea level, Mount Kerinci is the highest peak on the island of Sumatra and the second highest peak in Indonesia. Its tranquility and natural beauty attract hikers from around the world.

Mount Kerinci offers a challenging climbing adventure as well as spectacular natural views. Surrounded by dense tropical forests and vast moors, this climb offers a satisfying experience for hikers seeking challenges. Furthermore, the rich biodiversity around Mount Kerinci offers the opportunity to explore the diversity of flora and fauna.

Outdoor activities in Sumatra, especially climbing Mount Kerinci, are not just about reaching the highest peak but also about blending into nature and appreciating its beauty and diversity. Thus, it’s not surprising that Mount Kerinci is a popular destination for adventurers seeking an extraordinary experience amidst the natural beauty of Sumatra.

7.Cycling in the Way Kambas National Park in Lampung

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

source : tripjalanjalan.com

Outdoor activities in Sumatra offer exciting experiences for outdoor adventure enthusiasts. One of the destinations offering exceptional natural beauty is the Way Kambas National Park, located in Lampung province. Amidst the lush virgin forest and calm rivers, visitors can enjoy an exciting adventure by cycling in a natural and refreshing environment.

The Way Kambas National Park offers a variety of biking trails providing exciting experiences for all skill levels. From easy trails for beginners to challenging trails for experienced cyclists, visitors can enjoy the natural beauty and unique biodiversity throughout their journey. By cycling, visitors can explore the dense tropical forest, cross beautiful rivers, and get a close look at various species of flora and fauna living in the national park.

Cycling in the Way Kambas National Park is not just about exploring natural beauty but also supporting environmental preservation and conservation of endangered species such as the Sumatran elephant and the Javan rhinoceros. By combining adventure with environmental awareness, the experience of cycling in the Way Kambas National Park becomes more meaningful and significant.

With all the natural beauty and adventures it offers, it’s not surprising that cycling in the Way Kambas National Park is one of the outdoor activities in Sumatra.

8.Seeing the Sipiso-piso Waterfall in Toba Samosir

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

Source: medan.kompas.com

Appreciating the natural beauty and outdoor activities in Sumatra is an unforgettable experience for adventurers and nature lovers. One of the captivating destinations is the Sipiso-piso Waterfall, located in Toba Samosir, North Sumatra. The Sipiso-piso Waterfall is one of the highest waterfalls in Indonesia, with a height of approximately 120 meters.

Seeing the Sipiso-piso Waterfall is a fascinating experience. Visitors can enjoy the natural beauty with the waterfall gushing from the top of the cliff down to the calm lake below. The roar of the falling water adds a dramatic touch to the natural beauty.

Outdoor activities in Sumatra, like seeing the Sipiso-piso Waterfall, not only offer an impressive visual experience but also an opportunity to merge with nature. Visitors can take a short hike to reach the waterfall site, enjoy the fresh mountain air, and feel the still intact natural beauty around them.

With all the natural beauty and diversity of outdoor activities in Sumatra, seeing the Sipiso-piso Waterfall is an experience not to be missed for anyone visiting this island. From its natural beauty to stimulating adventures, Sumatra offers unforgettable experiences to all its visitors.

9.Diving in the Mentawai Islands

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

Source: berkeluarga.id

Diving in the Mentawai Islands is one of the outdoor activities in Sumatra that captivates. Located off the west coast of Sumatra, the Mentawai Islands offer an extraordinary diving experience in their magnificent tropical waters. Known for its marine biodiversity, divers can explore colorful coral reefs, home to a variety of tropical fish species and other marine creatures.

Diving in the Mentawai Islands not only offers the opportunity to explore rich marine life but also to appreciate the still intact natural beauty. Healthy and well-preserved coral reefs attract divers from around the world to see the unforgettable underwater wonders.

Furthermore, diving in the Mentawai Islands is also part of environmental preservation efforts. Local communities and conservation organizations work hard to protect the coral reefs and marine ecosystems of the region, and the participation of divers in this activity is greatly appreciated.

With the underwater beauty and exciting diving outdoor activities in Sumatra, the Mentawai Islands are a dream destination for adventure and nature lovers. Diving here not only offers a deep experience of marine life but also an exploration and appreciation of Sumatra’s unique natural beauty.

10.Surfing on Krui Beach in West Lampung

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

Source: wlampung.com

Surfing on Krui Beach in West Lampung is one of the outdoor activities in Sumatra that attracts water sports enthusiasts. Located on the southwest coast of Sumatra, Krui Beach offers attractive waves for surfers of all skill levels.

Surfing on Krui Beach offers an exciting and satisfying experience. Strong and consistent waves create ideal conditions for surfers to challenge themselves on their surfboards. From beginners to experienced surfers, Krui Beach offers waves suitable for all skill levels.

In addition to surfing, Krui Beach also offers stunning views of nature and a peaceful atmosphere. The clean white sand and vast marine panorama make this beach an ideal place to relax after a day of surfing. Visitors can also enjoy a beautiful sunset on the western horizon, creating unforgettable moments.

Surfing on Krui Beach is a fun and rewarding experience for water sports enthusiasts. With the combination of attractive waves and beautiful natural landscapes, Krui Beach is one of the most popular surfing destinations in Sumatra.

11.Exploring the Rainforest of Mount Leuser National Park

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

Source: idntimes.com

Exploring the rainforest of Mount Leuser National Park is one of the outdoor activities in Sumatra. Located in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, Mount Leuser National Park offers an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and adventurers. With an area of over 7,927 square kilometers, this national park is home to a variety of unique flora and fauna, including endangered species such as the Sumatran orangutan and the Sumatran rhinoceros.

Exploring the rainforest of Mount Leuser National Park offers an authentic experience of wild nature. Visitors can stroll through the dense forest, listening to the birdsong and observing the wildlife living freely in its natural habitat. Well-maintained hiking trails allow visitors to discover the diversity of flora and fauna while blending into the natural beauty of the tropical forest.

In addition to exploring nature, Mount Leuser National Park also offers learning opportunities about nature conservation and environmental protection. Ecotourism programs and guided tours raise awareness among visitors about the importance of preserving Sumatra’s unique biodiversity and encourage participation in conservation efforts.

Thus, exploring the rainforest of Mount Leuser National Park is a rewarding and educational experience for visitors of all ages. Whether it’s wildlife research, outdoor activities in Sumatra, or environmental education, this national park offers a comprehensive experience of Sumatra’s natural beauty.

12.Fishing at Lake Maninjau

Outdoor Activities in Sumatra

Source: youtube.com

Fishing at Lake Maninjau is one of the outdoor activities in Sumatra. Located in western Sumatra, Lake Maninjau offers an unforgettable fishing experience to visitors. Surrounded by stunning natural beauty, such as green hills and fresh mountain air, this lake is the perfect place to relax while fishing.

Fishing enthusiasts often appreciate the calm and peaceful atmosphere offered by Lake Maninjau. They can enjoy the silence of nature while waiting for the fish to bite. Additionally, the beauty of the natural landscape around the lake adds to the charm of this fishing activity.

Fishing at Lake Maninjau is not just about catching fish, but also about merging with nature and enjoying moments of peace amidst the splendor of outdoor nature in Sumatra. It’s a perfect way to spend time with family or friends while exploring the natural beauty of Indonesia. So, if you’re looking for outdoor activities in Sumatra, don’t miss the opportunity to fish at Lake Maninjau!


With a variety of outdoor activities in Sumatra, you’re sure to have an unforgettable vacation. One fascinating destination is climbing the majestic mountains of the island. Mountains like Mount Kerinci offer stimulating adventures and spectacular views from their summits. But that’s not all, for underwater adventure enthusiasts, Sumatra also offers the opportunity to dive into waters rich in marine life. With magnificent coral reefs and a variety of captivating fish, you’ll feel an unforgettable sensation exploring Sumatra’s underwater beauty.

Make your trip to Sumatra an unforgettable adventure. Enjoy its breathtaking natural beauty while exploring the different outdoor activities in Sumatra available. Whether exploring dense tropical forests or enjoying magnificent beaches, every corner of Sumatra offers extraordinary natural charm. No matter your adventure preferences, Sumatra has something for everyone who loves nature. So, get ready for an unforgettable adventure and let the natural beauty of Sumatra fill your vacation with unforgettable memories.

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