Situs Wisata di Lombok dan Gili

16 Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili: Discover the Beaches, Nature, and Culture

Indonesia, as an island nation rich in natural beauty, continues to attract the attention of travelers from around the world. A destination not to be missed is the Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili, two tropical gems in the Nusa Tenggara Barat region. With a combination of enchanting natural beauty, white sandy beaches, and unique cultural diversity, Lombok and Gili offer an extraordinary tourist experience. In this article, we will explore 16 Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili that are stunning, uncovering the natural beauty, beach charm, and captivating cultural richness.

16 Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

1.Kuta Lombok Beach: Enchanting White Sand Beauty

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

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The first Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili is Kuta Beach. Kuta Beach in Lombok is not simply named after Kuta in Bali. This beach has its own charm with its soft white sand and crystal-clear water. For surf enthusiasts, the waves at Kuta Lombok Beach are also an attraction in themselves.

This beach is also the silent witness to the annual celebration of the Bau Nyale festival, involving the local community in a traditional ritual of catching sea worms. With an amazing natural panorama and a robust culture, Kuta Lombok Beach is a perfect destination to explore natural beauty and culture.

2.Mount Rinjani: Challenging Climb and Exceptional Views

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

For adventure enthusiasts, Mount Rinjani is a paradise to explore. The second-highest volcano in Indonesia, it offers a demanding climbing experience but with exceptional views. From the summit, you can admire the charming Segara Anak lake and the spectacular surrounding landscape.

The ascent of Mount Rinjani provides an opportunity to interact with the surrounding nature and feel a tranquility hard to find elsewhere. Although requiring robust physical condition, the satisfaction and beauty you will gain during this ascent are priceless.

3.Gili Trawangan: The Surprising Charm of Gili Island

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

Gili Trawangan, one of the three Gili Islands, has become a popular destination for tourists seeking relaxed holidays. The island is famous for its gorgeous coral reefs, attracting divers from around the world. Additionally, the friendly and comfortable atmosphere of the island makes it a perfect place to relax and enjoy the beauty of the sea.

Motorized vehicles are not allowed on Gili Trawangan, allowing visitors to enjoy the tranquility of the island by bike or cidomo (horse-drawn carriage). In the evening, the island also offers enjoyable nightlife with various restaurants, bars, and clubs.

4.Sendang Gile Waterfall: Natural Beauty in the Mountains

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

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Another hidden Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili in the mountains of northern Lombok, Sendang Gile Waterfall is a fascinating destination for nature lovers. There is a local legend that this waterfall possesses mystical power that brings luck to anyone who touches it.

After climbing through the tropical forest, visitors are rewarded with a magnificent view of the waterfall cascading from above. Its secluded location makes Sendang Gile Waterfall an ideal place to connect with nature and feel the tranquility hard to find in the hustle and bustle of the city.

5.Sasak Sade Village: Discovering Lombok’s Traditional Culture

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

To experience the traditional life and culture of Lombok, visit Sasak Sade Village. This village is home to the Sasak tribe, which proudly maintains its customs. Traditional houses with thatched roofs and woven bamboo walls are the main attractions.

Additionally, you can witness the process of making ikat fabric, an art passed down from generation to generation in this community. Sasak Sade Village offers an authentic experience of traditional life in Lombok, and interacting with the locals will open your eyes to the cultural diversity of Indonesia.

6.Tanjung Aan Beach: The Charm of Unique Sand and Beach Activities

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

The Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili is Tanjung Aan Beach. Tanjung Aan Beach is one of the beaches with unique white sand composed of small, soft particles beneath your feet. This beach not only offers an enchanting natural panorama but also various exciting activities such as surfing, beach volleyball, or simply relaxing by the beach.

At sunset, the beach provides a view of a colorful sky that fascinates visitors. Tanjung Aan Beach is the perfect place to spend time with family or friends, enjoying natural beauty while participating in various recreational activities.

7.Narmada Park: The Beauty of Royal Gardens

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili


Narmada Park is a beautiful combination of gardens and aquatic complexes built in the 18th century by King Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Karangasem. The park was created as a replica of Lake Segara Anak on Mount Rinjani, and the water from the sacred spring in the park is believed to have mystical power that bestows eternal life. Besides natural beauty, Narmada Park also reflects the richness of the history and culture of Lombok.

Visitors can explore this extensive garden, appreciate the architecture of historical buildings, and see the main pool adorned with reliefs telling epic Hindu stories. This park is an attractive destination for tourists wishing to explore the history and culture of Lombok.

8.Senggigi Beach: A Charming Seaside Destination

Located along the west coast of Lombok, Senggigi Beach is a seaside destination offering charming beauty. With a long stretch of coast, soft sand, and calm waves, this beach is the perfect place to relax while enjoying a spectacular sunset.

Around Senggigi Beach, various restaurants, cafes, and souvenir shops add to the allure of this place. Tourists can explore the lively nightlife or simply sit by the beach enjoying the cool sea breeze.

9.Meno Island: The Hidden Beauty of Gili

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili


Meno Island, located between Gili Trawangan and Gili Air, is known as the most peaceful and secluded island of the three. The island offers a more relaxed and tranquil atmosphere, making it the perfect place for couples seeking romantic vacations or for travelers who want to enjoy the island’s tranquility.

Meno Island is also renowned for its superb underwater life. Snorkeling or diving around this island will reveal a colorful world of coral reefs and amazing marine life.

10.Sukarara Village: Tracing Lombok’s Ikat Weaving Skills

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili


Sukarara Village is the center of traditional ikat fabric production in Lombok. The village proudly maintains the tradition of ikat weaving from generation to generation, and visitors can directly see the manufacturing process. Local women skillfully weave with traditional tools, producing colorful fabrics with distinct patterns.

Additionally, visitors have the opportunity to participate in weaving workshops, learning more about the techniques and symbols of each fabric pattern. Buying ikat fabric as a souvenir not only supports the sustainability of this village but also brings home a valuable work of art.

11.Pink Beach: The Uniqueness of Pink Sand

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

The next Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili is Pink Beach, which is one of the natural wonders of Lombok and is famous for its rare pink sand. This unique color is due to the presence of microscopic organisms in coral reefs that emit red pigments. The beauty of Pink Beach lies in the combination of the light blue color of the sea and the pink sand, creating a striking contrast.

Visitors can enjoy the beauty of this beach by sunbathing, swimming, or simply admiring the spectacular landscape. This beach is an ideal destination for those looking for a different and captivating beach experience.

12.Gili Nanggu: A Hidden Paradise in Gili

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

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Gili Nanggu is one of the small islands located southwest of Lombok. The island offers calm marine beauty and pristine white sandy beaches. Due to its smaller size and less notoriety, Gili Nanggu is the perfect choice for those seeking tranquility and privacy.

The island is also great for snorkeling, with beautiful coral reefs and an abundance of marine life. Cruising around the island in a glass-bottom boat or simply relaxing on the shore, Gili Nanggu will provide an exclusive island experience.

13.Traditional Sembalun Village: Immersing in Sasak Community Life

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

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If you want to experience the traditional village in Lombok, the Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili is the Traditional Sembalun Village. Sembalun is the perfect place to understand the traditional life of the Sasak community. Located at the foot of Mount Rinjani, the village offers a magnificent view and an opportunity to interact with the locals. The structures of traditional Sasak houses, with woven bamboo walls and thatched roofs, reflect the unique architectural style of this community.

Visitors can participate in cultural tours organized by the locals, learn about traditional ceremonies, traditional dances, and typical Sasak cuisine. Traditional Sembalun Village offers an in-depth insight into the life of the local community, making it a valuable cultural experience.

14.Malimbu Hill: Impressive Sunset View

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili

A Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili to admire the spectacular sunset over the Lombok Strait is Malimbu Hill. From here, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the sea, the island of Bali in the distance, and the changing colors of the sky at sunset.

This place is also ideal for taking photos, having a picnic while appreciating the surrounding natural beauty. Malimbu Hill offers a relaxed and romantic experience for those seeking beautiful sunset moments in Lombok.

15.Selong Belanak Beach: Beginner Surfers’ Paradise

The next Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili is Selong Belanak Beach. Selong Belanak Beach is a paradise for beginner surfers. Its calm and gentle waves make it the perfect place for those who want to learn to surf. Additionally, the soft white sand and crystal-clear seawater make this beach a pleasant spot for relaxation.

Selong Belanak Beach also offers surf equipment rental and surf lessons for beginners willing to try their luck on the waves. With a friendly and laid-back atmosphere, this beach is suitable for everyone, whether surfers or visitors who simply want to enjoy the beauty of the beach.

16.Gili Kedis Island: Miniature Beauty in Gili

Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili


Gili Kedis Island may be the smallest of the three Gili Islands, but its beauty is no less appealing. Known as a private island, Gili Kedis offers a clean white sand beach and clear seawater, perfect for snorkeling. Visitors can feel the sensation of having their own island due to its small size and peaceful atmosphere.

Popular activities on Gili Kedis Island include relaxing on the beach, snorkeling, or simply enjoying the stunning beauty of the sea. Although it’s just a small island, Gili Kedis offers an unforgettable experience.


From charming white sandy beaches to the majestic summit of Mount Rinjani, Lombok and Gili offer astonishing natural beauty and cultural diversity. During this journey through 16 Tourist Sites in Lombok and Gili, we explored the charm of beaches, natural wonders, and the rich cultural life of these islands.

With all the beauty we’ve discovered, Lombok and Gili are not just tourist destinations but also reflect the natural and cultural richness of Indonesia. Through this article, I hope each reader can plan an unforgettable trip and feel the magic of these islands with all their charm. Keep exploring, adventuring, and immersing yourself in the beauty of the world around us.

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