Oleh-oleh Khas Jogja

21 Typical Souvenirs of Jogja to Bring Back: A Culinary and Cultural Adventure

Yogyakarta, a cultural city that captivates with its artistic beauty and cultural heritage, becomes a must-visit destination without bringing back Typical Souvenirs of Jogja. Every corner of this city hides a unique culinary and artisanal richness, creating an unforgettable shopping experience.

Visiting Jogja is not just about admiring magnificent landscapes and historic buildings but also savoring typical culinary delights. From delicious bakpias to appetizing gudeg, each bite is a tempting culinary adventure.

This article explores 21 Typical Souvenirs of Jogja that you must bring back as memories. From tasty treats to charming craftspeople, Jogja offers a variety of options to delight your taste buds and eyes. Let’s explore these souvenirs one by one and let Jogja leave a sweet impression on your memories.

21 Typical Souvenirs of Jogja to Bring Back:

1.Bakpia Jogja

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: resep-khas.com

Jogja, or Yogyakarta, is one of Indonesia’s tourist destinations known not only for its history and natural beauty but also for its Typical Souvenirs of Jogja. One of the very popular and favorite souvenirs for tourists is bakpia. Bakpia, a kind of cake filled with green beans, charms every visitor with its soft texture and delicious green bean taste.

Exploring the city, it’s easy to find shops selling bakpia Jogja in various flavors, from classic to modern, such as chocolate, cheese, and more. The uniqueness of bakpia Jogja lies not only in its delightful taste but also in its convenience as a typical Jogja souvenir that is easy to bring back. Tourists often choose bakpia as a typical Jogja souvenir due to its practicality. With a suitable size and friendly packaging, bakpia Jogja is the ideal choice to bring back and share with family or friends as a memento of their journey.

Bakpia Jogja is not just a snack but also a symbol of the warmth and hospitality of this city. As a typical Jogja souvenir easily available at every street corner, bakpia Jogja creates an unforgettable culinary experience for tourists. It’s not surprising that bakpia Jogja has become one of the memorable culinary icons for everyone visiting Jogja, creating sweet memories that linger over time.


Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: serikatnews.com

Yangko, a culinary marvel of Jogja, is a traditional snack not to be missed by every visitor. Made from glutinous rice flour and perfected with a touch of coconut sugar as a natural sweetener, yangko entices with its unique taste and soft texture. When in Jogja, nothing is more satisfying than bringing back yangko as a souvenir from this city. The delicacy of this snack makes it the top choice for tourists who want to immortalize their culinary experience in Jogja.

The Typical Souvenirs of Jogja that is yangko is not just simple food but also a symbol of the cultural beauty and tradition of the city. Its simple yet meaningful packaging becomes the distinctive feature of each brought yangko. When you share yangko with your loved ones as a memento of your journey, it’s not just the flavors that are shared but also the stories and warmth of Jogja that travel with every piece of yangko. Thus, yangko becomes more than just a snack but a culinary heritage evoking the cultural richness of Jogja with every bite.


Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: masdikr.com

Geplak, a traditional cake originating from Jogja, captivates with its characteristic delicacy. Made from grated coconut and coconut sugar, geplak offers a delicious and unforgettable sweet flavor experience. Its nature as a traditional snack makes it a sought-after souvenir by tourists visiting Jogja. With a variety of flavors, geplak enriches the culinary experience of every visitor and adds an authentic touch to Jogja’s culinary richness.

Bringing back geplak as a typical Jogja souvenir is not just about snacks but also about carrying a bit of the warmth and cultural beauty of this city. When you serve geplak to your family or friends as a memento of your journey, the aroma of grated coconut and the sweetness of coconut sugar become accompaniments to tell the story of Jogja’s culinary richness. Thus, geplak is not just a delight for the taste buds but also an icon of Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, creating sweet memories at every corner of the city.

4.Gudeg in a Box

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: bukalapak.com

Gudeg, a culinary treasure originating from Jogja, entices the taste buds with its unique flavor derived from young jackfruit. However, unlike traditional gudeg, Gudeg in a Box is a convenient solution for Typical Souvenirs of Jogja. Served in a box, Gudeg in a Box not only preserves the authenticity of Jogja’s traditional taste but also offers convenience to tourists who want to bring back the culinary experience without worrying about expiration dates.

As Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, Gudeg in a Box provides ease to visitors who want to share Jogja’s culinary richness with their loved ones. Its convenient packaging not only preserves the tenderness and flavor of gudeg but also facilitates the process of bringing back a lasting memento from this special city. Thus, Gudeg in a Box becomes a wise choice for tourists who want a typical Jogja souvenir that can be enjoyed at a more flexible time.

Serving Gudeg in a Box as a souvenir not only delights the taste buds with Jogja’s characteristic taste but also opens the door to the expanding culinary heritage of this city. Gudeg in a Box reflects the spirit of Jogja, aiming to preserve the authenticity of traditions while innovating in presenting more practical and sustainable Typical Souvenirs of Jogja. In other words, Gudeg in a Box is not just food but also a symbol of Jogja’s beauty that can be brought into every sharing moment.

5.Steamed Bakpia

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: gitacinta.com

Bakpia, in all its flavor and presentation variations, has truly become the icon of Typical Souvenirs of Jogja. In addition to baked bakpia, steamed bakpia is one of the popular options that captivate the taste buds of visitors. The uniqueness of steamed bakpia lies in its soft texture and abundant filling, offering an interesting alternative for culinary enthusiasts who want to taste another variation of typical Jogja snacks. Steamed bakpia provides a different experience with a sweet flavor and a distinctive touch in every bite.

The abundant filling with various variants such as green beans, chocolate, or cheese offers a satisfying variety of choices for different palates. Thus, steamed bakpia becomes a typical Jogja souvenir that is not only delicious but also brings diversity to appreciate Jogja’s culinary richness.

As a popular Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, steamed bakpia is not just a choice for tourists who want to bring back culinary memories but also a narrative of the diversity of flavors that this city possesses. Each tasting of steamed bakpia brings a unique story and the warmth of Jogja, creating a memorable and unforgettable culinary experience for everyone who tastes it.


Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: belibakpia.com

Tiwul, a snack made from cassava, offers a unique flavor experience for culinary enthusiasts. The delicacy and elasticity of tiwul create an attraction that sets it apart from other souvenirs. Carefully made from cassava, tiwul becomes a unique choice of Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, adding a different nuance to Jogja’s culinary world. With its distinctive features, tiwul becomes a symbol of Jogja’s culinary diversity.

This Typical Souvenirs of Jogja not only delights the taste buds with its delicious flavor and elastic texture but also invites everyone to explore the variety of cuisine held by this special city. By bringing back tiwul as a souvenir, tourists not only bring back a delicious snack but also a piece of diversity and richness from Jogja’s culinary tradition. Tiwul becomes a unique choice as a souvenir, adding a special touch to every visit to Jogja.

By paying special attention to tiwul as a Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, tourists can feel the culinary diversity of this city and bring home a different and impressive memento from their journey.

7.Wedang Uwuh

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: topwisata.info

Wedang uwuh, with its unique blend of spices, has become a highly famous traditional drink icon of Jogja. This drink is carefully made using pandan leaves, lemongrass, ginger, and various spices, creating an exceptional combination of flavors. Its characteristic taste and spicy aroma make wedang uwuh the perfect typical Jogja souvenir to bring back the ambiance of Jogja.

By savoring the delicacy and warmth of each sip of wedang uwuh, one is reminded of the beauty of the Javanese traditional culture that is strongly felt. Wedang uwuh is not just an ordinary drink but also an icon of Typical Souvenirs of Jogja that captivates tourists. Bringing back wedang uwuh as a souvenir is a smart way to bring an authentic slice of Jogja’s culture with you. Thus, this drink is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a symbol of the culinary richness and well-preserved tradition of this special city.

8.Dodol Jogja

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: makemytrip.com

Dodol Jogja, as a Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, delights the taste buds with its soft consistency and delicious sweet taste. This sweet treat is made from natural ingredients such as coconut, sugar, and glutinous rice flour, creating a combination that provides a unique pleasure experience. The elastic consistency of dodol makes it a favorite snack in Jogja, and when presented in different flavors like durian, pandan, and chocolate, Dodol Jogja becomes a must-have choice as a sweet souvenir to bring back.

Dodol Jogja as Typical Souvenirs of Jogja not only satisfies the palate of every enthusiast but also creates an unforgettable culinary experience. By bringing back Dodol Jogja as a souvenir, tourists bring a share of Jogja’s culinary richness to share with family and friends. The different flavors reflect the diversity and creativity in Jogja’s traditional cuisine that continues to thrive. Thus, Dodol Jogja is not just a favorite treat but also a symbol of diversity and delicacy with every visit to Jogja.

9.Chocolate Mango

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: chocolatemaggo.com

For chocolate lovers, a must-have among Typical Souvenirs of Jogja is chocolate mango. The extraordinary combination of mango sweetness and the delicacy of chocolate creates a truly unique taste experience. Produced with care and using quality ingredients, chocolate mango is the best choice to bring back the sweet and delicious taste of Jogja. Chocolate mango is not just a souvenir but also a tempting culinary artwork.

Its meticulous manufacturing process and the use of the finest ingredients reflect devotion to producing a product that satisfies not only the palate but also creates memorable culinary memories. By bringing back chocolate mango, tourists can share the distinctive delicacy of Jogja with their loved ones, offering a souvenir that is not only delicious but also artistic in the culinary world.

10.Fried Grasshoppers

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: kompas.com

Fried grasshoppers, perhaps sounding unique, have become a favorite option among Typical Souvenirs of Jogja. In this city, fried grasshoppers are transformed into crispy snacks rich in protein. Their salty taste and crunchy texture make them an interesting alternative to try, especially for those who love exploring different flavors. As Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, fried grasshoppers offer a unique and memorable culinary experience.

The combination of salty flavor and chewy texture creates a snack that satisfies not only the palate but also provides a new culinary adventure. By bringing back fried grasshoppers, tourists not only bring back a delicious treat but also a piece of courage to try something unusual. Thus, fried grasshoppers are not just a snack but also a symbol of Jogja’s culinary diversity that can be enjoyed and shared as a unique culinary experience.

These are just a few examples of the diverse and delicious Typical Souvenirs of Jogja has to offer. Each of these items not only represents the culinary richness of the city but also carries a piece of its cultural heritage and traditions. Enjoy exploring the unique flavors and bringing back memories from your visit to Jogja!


Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: cookpad.com

Geblek, as one of the characteristic traditional snacks of Jogja, impresses with its main ingredients based on glutinous rice flour and grated coconut. Wrapped in banana leaves, geblek not only offers a sweet and flavorful taste that is hard to ignore for visitors, but it also presents a clear traditional ambiance in its presentation. The delicacy of geblek resulting from the combination of glutinous rice flour and grated coconut makes it a snack that satisfies not only the palate but also creates a delightful culinary experience.

The simple yet authentic packaging of geblek makes it the Typical Souvenirs of Jogja to bring back from your journey. By bringing back geblek, tourists are not just bringing back a delicious snack but also a part of the richness of Jogja’s culinary tradition. Geblek is not just a treat but also a symbol of simple beauty in the culinary experience that can be enjoyed and shared with family or friends as a special memento of this unique city.

12.Jadah Tempe

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: kompas.com

Jadah tempe, a unique variant of jadah, is filled with perfectly fried tempe pieces. This combination produces a savory and delicious flavor that makes jadah tempe very popular in Jogja. The gustatory pleasure of jadah tempe not only satisfies the palates of those who taste it but also enriches the range of Typical Souvenirs of Jogja. Jadah tempe is not just a light snack but also a delicious accompaniment to rice.

The uniqueness of the flavor and texture of jadah tempe makes it an ideal option to enjoy as a casual snack or serve as a main dish with rice. By bringing back jadah tempe, tourists can bring home the authentic taste of Jogja that endures over time and can be enjoyed at any moment. Jadah tempe is the perfect choice for those who want to bring the richness of Jogja’s cuisine in every bite, making it not only a delicious Typical Souvenirs of Jogja but also representative of the culinary diversity of this special city.

13.Tasuba (Tahu Susu Bakso) Jogja

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: tokopedia.com

Tasuba, a culinary specialty of Jogja that combines tofu, milk, and meatballs, offers an exceptional culinary experience. This unusual combination creates a unique harmony of flavors, delighting the palate of every taster. As Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, Tasuba not only provides memories through its delicious taste, but it also becomes an authentic symbol of the culinary experience of this city. Thanks to its culinary innovation, Tasuba is not only a special dish to enjoy during your stay in Jogja but also an interesting choice to bring home.

When visiting Jogja, tourists can feel closer to the local culinary richness by bringing Tasuba as a souvenir. Moments of tasting Tasuba with family and friends will remain unforgettable memories, and by bringing Tasuba, they can extend this experience and share the delicacy of Jogja with their loved ones. Choosing Tasuba as a souvenir, tourists not only bring back the characteristic taste of Jogja but also support and appreciate the uniqueness of local cuisine. Tasuba is not just a delicious snack but also a symbol of love for culinary diversity that can be immortalized and shared as an authentic memento of their journey in this special city.

14.Keripik Belut

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: cookpad.com

Keripik Belut, a fascinating culinary innovation, offers the characteristic taste of eel with a special touch in its preparation process. With a crispy texture and a delicious flavor, keripik belut has become a star among Jogja visitors. Enjoying keripik belut is not just eating a snack but also experiencing the delicacy that tantalizes the palate, elevating the culinary experience to a new level in Jogja.

With its unique appeal, keripik belut becomes an ideal souvenir to bring home for family and friends. Sharing keripik belut as a memento is a great way to introduce the culinary richness of Jogja to your loved ones. The delicacy of keripik belut not only invites taste buds but also creates sweet memories, strengthening family and friendly bonds. These memories are not just snacks but also a reflection of the beauty of culinary richness that can be enjoyed and shared with love.

15.Peyek Mbok Tumpuk

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: carica.id

Peyek Mbok Tumpuk, a characteristic Jogja snack made from grated coconut and glutinous rice flour, offers a unique and unforgettable culinary experience. Its manufacturing process involves particular expertise, creating a crispy texture and exceptional flavor. With the addition of savory peanut sauce, peyek mbok tumpuk becomes a combination of delicious and authentic flavors, making it a favorite among Jogja cuisine enthusiasts.

Appreciating the delicacy of peyek mbok tumpuk is not just a snacking experience but also a sensation of local wisdom with every bite. This special souvenir can be the perfect memento to bring home. By offering peyek mbok tumpuk to family and friends as a souvenir, you are not only introducing the delicious taste of Jogja but also sharing the culinary richness that is an integral part of the identity of this city. The uniqueness of peyek mbok tumpuk lies not only in its delicious taste but also as a symbol of the culinary heritage of Jogja that deserves to be preserved.

By bringing peyek mbok tumpuk, visitors are not only bringing back the characteristic taste of Jogja but also appreciating and supporting the continuity of local culinary tradition. This souvenir is not just a precious snack to take home but also an investment in the preservation of local art and wisdom that continues to thrive in this special city.

16.Batik Jogja

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: riverspace.org

Batik Jogja is not just a cultural heritage that adorns beautiful fabrics but also a highly popular souvenir among visitors. The distinctive designs and patterns of Batik Jogja reflect the beauty and richness of Javanese culture. Using high-quality fabrics and combining attractive colors, Batik Jogja can create elegant and artistic textile works.

Visitors often choose Batik Jogja as a characteristic souvenir to bring home as a symbol of the elegance and beauty of the batik tradition that endures at the heart of Jogja’s society. Bringing back Batik Jogja as Typical Souvenirs of Jogja is not just acquiring high-quality fabric but also a form of appreciation for Indonesian cultural heritage.

By bringing this souvenir, tourists can reminisce about their experience in Jogja while feeling the beauty and local wisdom embodied in each batik motif. Batik Jogja is also often chosen as a gift to offer to family and friends as an artistic present with deep cultural significance. As an elegant and artistic Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, Batik Jogja is a choice that not only delights the eyes but also preserves history and traditional values.

By purchasing Batik Jogja as a souvenir, visitors contribute to supporting the local creative industry and preserving the richness of Javanese culture. This Typical Souvenirs of Jogja is not just a precious item to bring home but also a form of investment in the preservation of art and local wisdom that continues to flourish in this special city.


Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: pinterest.com

Blangkon, as a distinctive Javanese traditional headdress, is not only an integral part of cultural heritage but also a unique Typical Souvenirs of Jogja for visitors. Made from batik or lurik fabrics, blangkon contains artistic values and the beauty of Javanese tradition that is continuously appreciated. With various choices of colors and patterns available, blangkon offers the opportunity to be chosen as a distinctive Typical Souvenirs of Jogja with historical value, reflecting the deep cultural richness of Java.

The uniqueness of blangkon as a souvenir lies in its ability to represent the beauty and diversity of Javanese tradition. The distinctive design and high-quality materials create a product that is not only aesthetic but also has profound historical value. Visitors often choose blangkon as a souvenir to bring home as a special memento of their journey to Java. Offering a blangkon to family and friends is also a unique way to share the cultural richness of Java and introduce a tradition that persists to this day.

By choosing blangkon as Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, visitors not only get a visually unique product but also contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage. Blangkon is not just a collectible or fashion accessory but also a means to showcase and promote the beauty of Javanese tradition. This Typical Souvenirs of Jogja becomes a symbol of efforts to maintain the continuity of rich cultural values amid the changes of time in this special city.

18.Gerabah Kasongan

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: idntimes.com

Kasongan pottery, a clay craft originating from the village of Kasongan in Yogyakarta, offers uniqueness in its form and design. The village of Kasongan is known as a pottery production center that combines tradition and contemporary creativity. Flower vases and unique statues are the flagship products of Kasongan pottery, bringing a captivating artistic touch. As Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, Kasongan pottery attracts the attention of art and craft enthusiasts who appreciate the beauty of clay worked with great skill.

Bringing back Kasongan pottery as Typical Souvenirs of Jogja is an appropriate way to celebrate the art and culture of Yogyakarta. By engaging with its beauty and uniqueness, visitors not only bring back a precious memento but also become part of the efforts to preserve traditional craftsmanship. The diversity of pottery products, ranging from functional to decorative, makes Kasongan pottery a souvenir choice suitable for various tastes and needs. By bringing back this souvenir, tourists can share the beauty of Yogyakarta’s art with their loved ones and support the sustainability of craftsmanship in the village of Kasongan.


Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: indonesian-art-culture.blogspot.com

Wayang, a form of traditional Indonesian art closely related to Javanese culture, comes in two main forms: wayang kulit and wayang golek. These two types of wayang not only tell epic stories but also serve as beautiful and meaningful souvenirs for visitors to Yogyakarta. Wayang kulit is made from intricately carved buffalo skin, while wayang golek is made of wood and features distinct three-dimensional characteristics.

Choosing wayang as Typical Souvenirs of Jogja is a beautiful way to bring home a piece of the rich cultural heritage of Yogyakarta. Visitors can choose a wayang with the design and character they prefer as a souvenir that is not only aesthetic but also symbolic of the richness of Javanese tradition and culture. Wayang kulit and wayang golek are often considered works of art illustrating the high skill of artisans, and as such, they become meaningful souvenirs.

By bringing home wayang as Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, tourists not only possess a beautiful work of art but also support the preservation of traditional art. Wayang becomes a symbol of the continuity of Java’s culture and rich identity. These souvenirs are not just material objects but also a window into the beauty and complexity of traditional Indonesian art that can be preserved and appreciated in every home.

20.Kerajinan Kulit

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: alodiatour.com

Yogyakarta is not only known for its traditional performing arts but also for its high-quality leather goods. Wallets, bags, and shoes made of leather from Yogyakarta are highly sought-after souvenirs by visitors. These products are not only made from genuine leather but also decorated with characteristic patterns reflecting the beauty and cultural richness of Yogyakarta. The main excellence of Yogyakarta leather goods lies in the beauty and durability of the products, making them an elegant and high-quality souvenir choice for tourists appreciating quality and aesthetics.

Buying Typical Souvenirs of Jogja leather goods is not just a simple memento but also an investment in an item that provides long-term satisfaction. The uniqueness of the characteristic patterns from Yogyakarta finely engraved on leather products, such as wallets, bags, and shoes, creates distinct added value. By bringing back these souvenirs, visitors not only bring back a piece of the characteristic beauty of Yogyakarta but also a high-quality product that can be enjoyed and used daily. These Typical Souvenirs of Jogja become symbols of elegance and quality, well representing the charm and cultural richness of this special city.

21.Café Merapi

Typical Souvenirs of Jogja

Source: shopee.co.id

Merapi coffee is the perfect choice for Typical Souvenirs of Jogja, especially for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the uniqueness and quality of coffee taste. Cultivated on the slopes of Mount Merapi, this coffee not only offers a distinctive flavor but also a strong and delicious aroma. Coffee lovers can bring back Merapi coffee as a souvenir reminding them of the beauty of Yogyakarta’s nature and the experience of tasting exceptional coffee.

The diversity of coffee types and the unique characteristics of Merapi coffee make it an attractive souvenir for tourists. As a local product grown in the fertile lands around Mount Merapi, this coffee also offers visitors the opportunity to support local farmers and the region’s economy. By bringing back Merapi coffee, tourists not only get a high-quality product but also participate in the sustainable preservation of coffee production in the area. Merapi coffee is a delicious and memorable way to bring a bit of the natural richness of Yogyakarta into everyday life.


By choosing from the Typical Souvenirs of Jogja presented in this list, you can bring home more than just a culinary memory of Yogyakarta. Each choice of Typical Souvenirs of Jogja not only reflects the delicacy of taste but also preserves a small piece of the cultural and artistic diversity that makes Yogyakarta so special. Through the shopping experience in this city, tourists can not only savor the authenticity of flavors but also feel the warmth and beauty of traditions and art integrated into each selected product.

Enjoy the shopping adventure in Yogyakarta, where each souvenir is not just a commodity but also a reflection of the identity of a city rich in cultural heritage. From delicious cuisine to fascinating crafts, this shopping experience offers a window into the daily life of the people of Yogyakarta. So, choose the Typical Souvenirs of Jogja with the heart, and bring home more than just a product, bring back a story of diversity and beauty that makes Yogyakarta so unique and unforgettable. Plan your Java trip now with Salut Bali to visit the city of Yogyakarta, rich in Typical Souvenirs of Jogja waiting for you!

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