Hidangan Khas Jawa Timur

25 Typical Dishes of Eastern Java that Delight Food Enthusiasts

Eastern Java, the culinary paradise of Indonesia, has never ceased to captivate food enthusiasts. The culinary diversity of this region is truly appealing to the taste buds and comforting to the stomach. From highland cities to coastal areas, every corner of Eastern Java hides the secrets of unforgettable culinary flavors. In its long list, there are over a hundred Typical Dishes of Eastern Java renowned for their authenticity. From Surabaya’s tofu soup to Malang’s rujak cingur and Lamongan’s soto ayam, the delicacy of Eastern Java’s typical dishes is hard to ignore.

Eastern Java’s typical dishes have a special appeal to travelers and food lovers alike. From mountainous regions to beaches, every corner of Eastern Java offers unique and unforgettable flavors and delights. Among the many typical dishes of Eastern Java, there are 25 dishes worth trying, awakening the appetite and sparking the desire to return. The distinctive flavor and authenticity of the dishes are the main characteristics of each dish originating from Eastern Java. It’s no wonder that Eastern Java’s typical cuisine is the main attraction for tourists visiting this region.

25 Typical Dishes of Eastern Java to Try for Food Enthusiasts

1.Soto Lamongan

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: resepedia.id

Soto Lamongan is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java famous not only for its richly spiced broth but also for its appetizing flavor. This dish consists of tender chicken pieces, served with hard-boiled eggs, bean sprouts, and crackers. This combination of ingredients not only creates a pleasant taste sensation but also offers comforting warmth, especially when enjoyed in the morning or evening chill of Eastern Java. Soto Lamongan is a preferred choice for many as a healthy breakfast or as a warm family meal in the evening.

The delicacy of Soto Lamongan has made it a culinary icon reflecting the richness of its flavors and culinary traditions in Eastern Java. Every spoonful of its spice-infused broth provides an unforgettable culinary experience for anyone who tastes it. It’s no surprise that Soto Lamongan is a must-try dish in many restaurants and fast-food stalls throughout Eastern Java.

Moreover, tourists visiting Eastern Java often seek to experience culinary delights by savoring the delicacy of Soto Lamongan, as an essential part of their culinary adventure in the region. Thus, Soto Lamongan is not just a delicious dish but also a precious cultural heritage for Eastern Java.


Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: unileverfoodsolutions.co.id

Rawon is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java highly appreciated by food enthusiasts. Known for its thick black broth, rawon captivates many with its characteristic salty taste. The spices used, especially the kluwek, give this dish a unique aroma and flavor. The beef cooked in rawon broth is always appreciated for its tenderness and blends perfectly with the spices used. It’s no wonder that rawon is always the preferred choice when someone wants to enjoy a typical dish of Eastern Java.

When served, rawon not only offers an attractive flavor but also an appetizing appearance. A portion of rawon is usually accompanied by hot and fluffy white rice, adding to the pleasure of enjoying it. Not to mention, this dish is also served with slices of salted hard-boiled eggs that add extra salty flavor and a different texture. Additionally, fresh bean sprouts and spicy sauce complete the dish, making it a complete and satisfying meal for those who taste it. With its unique flavor and enticing appearance, rawon truly deserves to be tried by anyone visiting the region.

3.Rujak Cingur

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: pinterest.com

Rujak cingur is one of the many typical dishes of Eastern Java renowned for its originality and appetizing flavor. Composed of a mixture of fresh vegetables such as cucumber, kangkung, and bean sprouts, along with slices of cingur that give a unique characteristic to this dish. Not to mention, lontong is also a perfect accompaniment, adding firmness to the dish. Spicy and fresh rujak seasonings are the key to creating a combination of flavors that tantalize the palate, offering a refreshing sensation with every bite.

When entering the Eastern Java region, rujak cingur is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java to absolutely try for tourists and local residents. The combination of the delicacy of fresh vegetables and the firmness of cingur, topped with the characteristic rujak seasoning of Eastern Java, creates an unforgettable culinary experience.

In addition to offering gustatory pleasure, rujak cingur also reflects the richness of Eastern Java’s culinary culture that deserves to be appreciated and preserved. Thus, it’s no surprise that rujak cingur is one of the culinary icons rooted in the culinary identity of Eastern Java.

Rujak cingur is not just a delicious dish but also a part of the culinary heritage passed down from generation to generation in Eastern Java. Each presentation of rujak cingur not only invites to savor but also to discover the cultural richness and traditions of the Eastern Java community. The delicacy and originality of rujak cingur attract travelers eager to explore the culinary diversity of Indonesia, especially the typical dishes of Eastern Java. Thus, rujak cingur is not just a dish but also a mirror of the diversity and beauty of Indonesian culinary culture.

4.Pecel Madiun

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: bersosial.com

Pecel Madiun is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that has become a favorite throughout Indonesia. This dish consists of a mixture of fresh green vegetables, such as long beans, spinach, and bean sprouts, boiled to perfection. What makes pecel Madiun so special is its distinctive peanut sauce, composed of a blend of ground peanuts with spices and chili, offering a salty and spicy flavor that stimulates the appetite.

Generally, when served, pecel Madiun is always accompanied by lontong or white rice, adding firmness and delicacy to this dish. Not to mention, crackers and rempeyek add a perfect touch of crunchy texture, offering a crispy sensation that complements the salty flavor of the peanut sauce. The combination of fresh vegetables, delicious peanut sauce, and accompaniments makes this dish harmonious and satisfying for those who taste it.

Pecel Madiun is not just a delicious dish but also a part of Eastern Java’s culinary identity, rich in flavors and traditions. Each plate of pecel Madiun conveys cultural values passed down from generation to generation, as well as stories about the richness of nature and local wisdom in Eastern Java. Therefore, it’s no surprise that pecel Madiun is one of the culinary icons rooted in the image of typical dishes of Eastern Java, and continues to hold a special place in the hearts of food enthusiasts throughout Indonesia.

5.Lontong Balap

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: masakapahariini.com

Lontong balap is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that cannot be ignored by food enthusiasts. This dish consists of lontong, bean sprouts, fried tofu, and slices of cucumber, served with a topping of peanut sauce and petis. Mainly known in Surabaya, lontong balap has become a culinary icon that stimulates the appetite for both locals and tourists.

The uniqueness of lontong balap lies in the perfect combination of the soft texture of lontong, the crispiness of fried tofu, and the salty flavor of abundant peanut sauce. Each bite brings a satisfying sensation, with varied textures and flavors merging into a single dish. The spice-rich peanut sauce gives a typical Eastern Java touch to this dish, creating an unforgettable culinary experience for anyone who tastes it.

Lontong balap is not just a dish but also an element of the rich culinary and cultural heritage of Eastern Java. Each presentation of lontong balap not only invites to taste but also to discover the diversity of flavors and textures that characterize regional cuisine. Therefore, lontong balap is one of the many typical dishes of Eastern Java that deserves to be preserved and appreciated by present and future generations.

6.Rujak Soto Banyuwangi

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: masakapahariini.com

Rujak soto Banyuwangi, as a typical dish of Eastern Java, offers a unique culinary experience by combining fresh fruit salad and savory soto soup. This dish reflects the richness of flavors of Eastern Java by combining slices of fresh fruits such as mango, pineapple, and kedondong, drizzled with the typical rujak sauce of Eastern Java that blends spiciness and sweetness. What’s interesting is that the soto soup served with the rujak adds a new dimension, bringing a salty and warm flavor that complements the harmony of the unique flavors of this dish.

As you indulge in the rujak soto Banyuwangi, each bite invites diners to savor the delicacy of the fresh fruits blending with the rujak sauce. The presence of soto soup with its fragrant spice aroma and characteristic salty flavor of Eastern Java is the main differentiator of this dish. In addition to delighting the taste buds, rujak soto Banyuwangi also creates a profound culinary experience, connecting diners to the cultural richness and culinary traditions of Eastern Java.

Rujak soto Banyuwangi is not just a tasty choice to enjoy but also an authentic representation of Typical Dishes of Eastern Java that deserves to be preserved. Each dish not only invites to discover the delicacy of flavors but also to understand and appreciate the culinary heritage that involves the diversity of ingredients and traditional recipes. As an element of Typical Dishes of Eastern Java, rujak soto Banyuwangi is evidence of the richness of the variety of dishes that continue to thrive and evolve in different regions of Indonesia.

7.Sego Tempong

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: sajiansedap.grid.id

Sego tempong is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that is highly appreciated, especially during grand occasions in the region. This dish is fried rice served with fried chicken or fried fish, accompanied by spicy and fresh sambal tempong. The uniqueness of sego tempong lies in its strong taste, combining salty, spicy, and fresh flavors in every bite, offering a satisfying culinary experience for enthusiasts.

Often served as the main dish during various events in Eastern Java, sego tempong is an authentic representation of the culinary richness of the region. Its presence not only satisfies the taste buds but also brings a sense of warmth and camaraderie to each dish. As typical dishes of Eastern Java, sego tempong is not just a culinary heritage but also a symbol of fellowship and joy during traditional events in the region.

8.Tofu Tek

Tofu tek, as typical dishes of Eastern Java, enchants with its combination rich in textures and flavors. This dish features fried tofu accompanied by cucumber slices, bean sprouts, boiled potatoes, lontong, and hard-boiled eggs, all drizzled with a delicious and spicy thick sauce. Its presence is not only delicious but also a pride of Surabaya and its surroundings as culinary heritage.

For enthusiasts of traditional Eastern Java cuisine, tasting Tofu tek is an experience not to be missed. This dish is an authentic proof of the culinary richness of the region and an integral part of the culinary culture evolving in Surabaya. With every bite, culinary enthusiasts not only savor the delicacy of the dish but also appreciate the culinary heritage passed down from generation to generation in Eastern Java.

9.Gethuk Banana

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: pgtktadikapuri77.blogspot.com

Gethuk Banana is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that reflects the richness of traditional cuisine in the region. Its preparation involves mashed bananas mixed with sugar and coconut milk, creating a delicious and tempting dish. After the molding and cooling process, gethuk Banana has a unique and elastic texture, accompanied by a characteristic sweet flavor and captivating banana fragrance. As one of the traditional snacks, gethuk Banana is often chosen as dessert during various events in Eastern Java, thus showing its importance in local culinary culture.

The presence of gethuk Banana is not just a simple snack but also an integral part of Eastern Java’s culinary identity, rich in flavor diversity. Through gethuk Banana, people can taste the delicacy and uniqueness of typical dishes of this region while recalling the traditions and culinary heritage passed down from generation to generation. Thus, gethuk Banana is not just a satisfying dessert in Eastern Java but also a symbol of cultural and culinary richness deserving preservation and appreciation.

10.Gado-Gado Lamongan

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: gadogadoasia.com

Gado-gado Lamongan is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that impresses with its dense and flavorful peanut sauce. This dish offers a combination of fresh vegetables such as long beans, bean sprouts, and potatoes, drizzled with a delicious peanut sauce, creating a flavor that delights the taste buds. Traditionally, gado-gado Lamongan is served with lontong or ketupat to add firmness to the texture, as well as hard-boiled eggs and crackers as accompaniments that perfectly complement the dish.

As typical dishes of Eastern Java, gado-gado Lamongan not only charms with its delicious flavor but also reflects the richness of the culinary culture of the region. This dish is one of the top choices during various events in Eastern Java, showcasing the diversity of characteristic ingredients and spices. With its dense and flavorful peanut sauce, gado-gado Lamongan is an unforgettable dish for enthusiasts of traditional Indonesian cuisine.

11.Tofu Campur

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: dapurkobe.com

Tofu campur is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that arouses appetite with its unique and delicious combination. This dish features pieces of fried tofu served with slices of bean sprouts, cabbage, and soybean sprouts, then drizzled with a thick sauce made of flavorful beef broth. The additional presence of sambal and fried onions is an essential complement to create a spicy and flavorful taste that distinguishes Tofu campur as a memorable dish of the region.

As typical dishes of Eastern Java, Tofu campur is not just a dish but also an element of the rich culinary and cultural heritage of the region. Each presentation of Tofu campur not only invites to savor the delicacy of Eastern Java flavors but also to appreciate the diversity of ingredients and spices used. With its thick and flavorful beef broth and additional spicy sambal, Tofu campur is a perfect choice for culinary enthusiasts who want to explore the diversity of traditional Indonesian cuisine.

12.Sate Ponorogo

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: resepkoki.id

Sate Ponorogo is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that has gained fame throughout Indonesia. This dish offers pieces of grilled beef or chicken with special spices that awaken the appetite. Not to mention its special taste, Sate Ponorogo is served with a thick and spicy peanut sauce, creating a captivating harmony of flavors. Traditionally, this dish is accompanied by lontong, sliced ​​red onions, and sambal to enrich the spicy flavor that characterizes it.

As one of the most popular typical dishes of Eastern Java, Sate Ponorogo not only delights with the delicacy of its grilled meat but also reflects the richness of the culinary culture of the region. Each presentation of Sate Ponorogo offers a captivating gustatory experience while appreciating the culinary tradition passed down from generation to generation. With its special flavor and distinctive presentation, Sate Ponorogo remains one of the favorite dishes of many Indonesians.

13.Rice Krawu

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: masakapahariini.com

Rice krawu is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that is a pride of the Gresik region. This dish offers fragrant rice served with tender pieces of beef, boiled eggs, serundeng, and sambal, creating a distinctive and appetizing flavor combination. Tradition dictates that Rice krawu be served hot, ensuring that each bite offers maximum satisfaction. The delicacy of Rice krawu is not limited to its delicious flavor but also to its cultural and traditional values ​​that are deeply rooted in each dish, making it a popular choice at various important events in Eastern Java.

As an integral part of the heritage of typical dishes of Eastern Java, Rice krawu plays an important role in enriching the culinary richness of the region. Each plate of Rice krawu not only offers a delicious dish but also invites diners to feel the warmth and conviviality with every bite. With its strong presence at major events in Eastern Java, Rice krawu is not just a dish but also a symbol of the diversity and beauty of the regional culinary culture. With its incomparable flavor and strong cultural values, Rice krawu remains one of the most beloved and appreciated typical dishes of Eastern Java.

14.Bakso Malang

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: pinterest.com

Bakso Malang is one of the culinary icons that pride the city of Malang, East Java. This dish consists of a mixture of minced beef and tapioca, formed into balls and boiled until cooked. The combination of the soft texture of bakso, the delicacy of yellow noodles, fried wontons, and flavorful beef broth creates a captivating and memorable culinary experience. Bakso Malang has gained great popularity throughout Indonesia, becoming the top choice at various events, whether casual or formal.

As typical dishes of Eastern Java, Bakso Malang carries its distinctive and memorable culinary image. This dish not only offers delicious flavor but also a perfect harmony of different elements in a bowl. From minced beef to yellow noodles, each component significantly contributes to creating the gustatory perfection that characterizes Bakso Malang. Therefore, it is not surprising that Bakso Malang remains a favorite of the Indonesian public and is an indispensable element of the diversity and richness of Indonesian cuisine.

15.Lodho Ayam

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: cookpad.com

Lodho ayam is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that enchants with its delicacy and spice aroma. This dish consists of pieces of chicken cooked with coconut milk and typical spices, creating a deep savory flavor. Not only that, but the spicy aroma makes lodho ayam not only appetizing but also enticing from the first whiff. Traditionally, this dish is served with white rice and slices of cucumber, as well as sambal to add a spicy touch that enriches the flavor.

As a dish of typical dishes of Eastern Java, lodho ayam is part of the culinary richness of the region that deserves to be preserved and appreciated. Every bite of lodho ayam takes the eater on a satisfying flavor journey while feeling the warmth and conviviality in every bite. With the perfect combination of tender chicken and infused spices, lodho ayam is not only an ideal choice to present the flavor of Typical Dishes of Eastern Java but also enriches the culinary experience of anyone who tastes it.


Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: gotravelly.com

Brem is one of the traditional dishes inseparable from the richness of typical dishes of Eastern Java. This dish is made from the fermentation of glutinous rice, then baked or steamed, producing a distinctive sweet flavor due to its fermentation process. The specificity of the taste of brem, created by a unique fermentation process, makes it a beloved snack by many. Brem is often chosen as a trusted dessert at various events in Eastern Java, offering a satisfying sweet touch after the main meal.

As an integral part of the heritage of typical dishes of Eastern Java, brem is not just food but also a symbol of the cultural richness and culinary traditions of the region. Each presentation of brem invites eaters to taste the delicacy of its unique sweet taste while appreciating the manufacturing process that depends on skill and patience. Thus, brem not only stimulates the appetite but also connects people to the cultural heritage and traditional values ​​passed down from generation to generation in Eastern Java.

17.Sate Madura

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: wisatapalu.com

Sate Madura is one of the iconic dishes of Eastern Java originating from the island of Madura. This dish offers pieces of grilled beef or chicken with special spices, then served with a thick and spicy peanut sauce. Not forgetting the delicacy of its peanut sauce, Sate Madura is usually accompanied by lontong and slices of red onion, as well as an addition of sambal to intensify the spicy flavor that enhances the pleasure of the dish.

As one of the culinary icons of Eastern Java, Sate Madura not only offers a delicacy of taste but also reflects the diversity of the culinary culture of the region. Each bite of Sate Madura brings a distinctive and appetizing flavor while presenting a seductive spice aroma. With its characteristic serving style and spice variations, Sate Madura remains one of the favorite and coveted dishes by many people throughout Indonesia.

18.Bebek Sinjay

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: thelittlesnacks.com

Bebek Sinjay is one of the most popular typical dishes of Eastern Java, especially in the Madura region. This dish consists of duck cooked with typical spices, then served with rice, sambal, and fresh vegetables. The uniqueness of Bebek Sinjay lies in its salty and crispy taste of the skin, making it a favorite among food enthusiasts. Not only that, but the tenderness and juiciness of the duck meat inside add extra enjoyment for the diners, reinforcing its reputation as a must-try dish when you’re in Eastern Java.

As one of the most iconic typical dishes of Eastern Java, Bebek Sinjay reflects the richness of flavors and culinary culture of the Madura region. Each plate of Bebek Sinjay tantalizes the appetite with the harmony of flavors produced by the characteristic spices. The experience of savoring it is not only about pleasing the palate but also about experiencing an enticing aroma and sensation. With the freshness of the accompanying fresh vegetables and the spiciness of the sambal, Bebek Sinjay is a highly appreciated choice for exploring the delicacies of Typical Dishes of Eastern Java.

19.Rice Serpang

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: indonesia-tourism.com

Rice Serpang is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that highlights a distinctive spicy and salty flavor. This fried rice dish is a favorite among food enthusiasts for its appetite-inducing appeal. Rice Serpang is typically served with fluffy omelet, crispy crackers, and fresh cucumber slices, creating a captivating harmony of texture and flavor. It’s no wonder that this dish is often chosen for an energizing breakfast or a satisfying dinner in Eastern Java.

As one of the most famous typical dishes of Eastern Java, Rice Serpang presents an image of delicious and unique food. Every bite of fried rice offers an explosion of spicy and salty flavors that invite you to continue savoring. Its presence on the breakfast or dinner menu not only provides satisfaction for hungry stomachs but also offers an appetizing culinary experience. Thus, Rice Serpang becomes one of the must-try dishes for those who want to explore the delicacies of Typical Dishes of Eastern Java.

20.Lontong Kupang

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: food.detik.com

Lontong Kupang is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that reflects the diversity of traditional cuisine in the region. This dish consists of lontong served with a broth made from Kupang clams, rich in salty and spicy flavors. The combination of the tenderness of lontong and the delicacy of Kupang clam broth creates a unique and satisfying culinary experience. The tradition of serving it with mung bean sprouts, fried onions, and sambal further enhances the flavor of Lontong Kupang, making it a favorite for various occasions in Eastern Java.

As one of the favorite dishes originating from Eastern Java, Lontong Kupang holds great cultural and culinary value. Each serving of Lontong Kupang not only tantalizes the appetite but also invites diners to taste the richness of spices and local ingredients used in its preparation. With its delicacy and unique flavor, Lontong Kupang is an integral part of the heritage of typical dishes of Eastern Java that deserves to be preserved and passed down to future generations. With each bite, Lontong Kupang not only satisfies the palate but also reveals the beauty and richness of the culinary culture of typical dishes of Eastern Java.

21.Soto Ayam Madura

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: idntimes.com

Soto Ayam Madura is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that captivates with its richly spiced chicken broth and tender chicken meat. The delicacy of this characteristic broth is often the main attraction of Soto Ayam Madura. Served with hard-boiled eggs, bean sprouts, coriander, and fried onions, Soto Ayam Madura offers a complete and satisfying meal experience. Therefore, it’s not surprising that this dish is often chosen as a comforting and hearty breakfast or a delicious dinner in Eastern Java.

As part of the richness of typical dishes of Eastern Java, Soto Ayam Madura reflects an authentic and traditional flavor. Every bite of Soto Ayam Madura brings a captivating flavor, while its aroma of spices appeals to the sense of smell. With its high nutrient content and delicious flavor, this dish not only offers delicacy but also a warmth of conviviality in every meal. Thus, Soto Ayam Madura is not just an element of the richness of typical dishes of Eastern Java but also a symbol of the diversity and delicacy of traditional Indonesian cuisine.


Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: aboutsemarang.id

Krengsengan is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that holds a special place in the hearts of food enthusiasts. This dish consists of beef stewed with typical spices of Eastern Java until it reaches the perfect degree of tenderness and produces a broth rich in flavors. The uniqueness of Krengsengan lies in the combination of salty, spicy, and fragrant flavors of the characteristic and appetizing spices. The tradition of serving it with warm white rice and fresh vegetables completes the tasting experience of Krengsengan, offering freshness and a variety of satisfying flavors.

As one of the most famous typical dishes of Eastern Java, Krengsengan becomes a symbol of the richness of spices and culinary tradition of the region. Each plate of Krengsengan brings an authentic flavor, reflecting the diversity and uniqueness of Indonesian cuisine. With its intoxicating aroma of spices, Krengsengan is not just a dish but also a captivating and unforgettable culinary experience. Therefore, it’s not surprising that Krengsengan remains one of the most sought-after and appreciated typical dishes of Eastern Java.

23.Tofu Takwa

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: republikseo.net

Tofu Takwa is one of the typical dishes of Surabaya that proudly represents Indonesian cuisine. This dish consists of fried tofu stuffed with a mixture of bamboo shoots and vermicelli, then fried until golden brown. The uniqueness of Tofu Takwa lies in the combination of crispy textures on the outside and soft textures on the inside of the tofu, paired with the sweet and salty flavor of the bamboo shoot and vermicelli mixture. It’s no wonder that this dish is a favorite of many locals and tourists, as each bite brings a captivating and delightful harmony of flavors.

The tradition of serving it with spicy petis sambal adds even more pleasure to enjoying Tofu Takwa. The petis sambal brings a spicy touch that complements perfectly the sweet and salty flavor of the tofu and its filling. Thus, Tofu Takwa is not only a delicious and satisfying dish but also a symbol of the culinary richness of Surabaya that deserves to be preserved and appreciated. Therefore, it’s not surprising that Tofu Takwa is one of the culinary icons not to be missed for anyone visiting Surabaya.

24.Sate Klopo

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: grab.com

Sate Klopo stands out among the typical dishes of Eastern Java with its uniqueness and unparalleled delicacy. The difference from ordinary satay lies in the use of grated coconut as seasoning on the skewered meat before grilling. This uniqueness adds a characteristic flavor and aroma to Sate Klopo. The variety of meats used, from beef to chicken to mutton, adds a diversity of flavors. The charcoal grilling also gives Sate Klopo a distinctive flavor and enriches the tasting experience of this dish.

As you indulge in Sate Klopo, the flavor of grated coconut combined with the aroma of grilled meat will delight your palate with incomparable pleasure. This unique combination of flavors makes Sate Klopo a favorite in many places in Eastern Java. Its presence not only stimulates the appetite but also evokes memories of the delicious traditional cuisine of the region. Thus, Sate Klopo is not just a dish but also an inseparable element of the rich and unique culinary identity of Eastern Java.

25.Soto Babat

Typical Dishes of Eastern Java

Source: tasteatlas.com

Soto Babat is one of the typical dishes of Eastern Java that whets the appetite with the richness of its spiced soup. The main characteristic of Soto Babat lies in the use of its main ingredient, namely, beef tripe boiled until tender. This cooking process produces flavorful and tender beef tripe, which, combined with hot soup and spices, creates a very appetizing flavor combination. Soto Babat not only makes your mouth water with every spoonful but also enriches the culinary experience with a touch of traditional Eastern Javanese cuisine.

When served, Soto Babat is usually accompanied by condiments such as soy sauce, sambal, lime, and fried onions, which make the meal even more flavorful. Its presence not only satisfies the palate but also invites guests to discover the richness of the culinary culture of the region. Thus, Soto Babat is not just a dish but also a culinary heritage that deserves to be preserved and appreciated by future generations.


This article explores 25 typical dishes of Eastern Java that delight food enthusiasts. Eastern Java is known as a culinary paradise in Indonesia, with a captivating culinary diversity ranging from highland cities to the coast. The typical dishes of Eastern Java have their own allure for travelers and gastronomy enthusiasts, with over a hundred types of dishes celebrated for their authenticity.

Soto Lamongan is famous for its richly spiced broth and appetizing taste. Rawon, with its thick black broth and spices, is also a favorite among food lovers. As for Rujak Cingur, with its unique blend of fresh vegetables and cingur (boiled cow snout), along with its characteristic spicy sauce, it offers an unforgettable taste sensation.

By examining the variety of typical dishes of Eastern Java, we also discover other equally interesting dishes like Pecel Madiun, Lontong Balap, and Rujak Soto Banyuwangi. Each dish enriches the culinary experience with authentic flavors and presents a cultural heritage and culinary traditions that deserve to be preserved and appreciated. Plan your trip to Java with Salut Bali to savor the delights of typical dishes of Eastern Java.

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